Start Your Morning the Night Before!

Do you find your­self fraz­zled every morn­ing as you’re get­ting ready to head to work, drop the kids off at school or head to school your­self?  You mum­ble, “why me?”…

Propel Your Career to the Top!

I’ve known this all along; super-exec­u­­tives are super­stars!  I joined the c‑suite as an exec­u­tive assis­tant very ear­ly on in my career.  I spent entire days for years and years…

My Best Month Series — Part I

Hel­lo, hel­lo! Wel­come to the first part of this 4‑Week Blog Series! For this to work for you, you must pos­sess two things: extreme ambi­tion, in a relaxed, con­fi­dent man­ner…

How to Make April 2016 your Best Month!

Wake up, wake up, it’s the first of the month, get up, get up, it’s the first of the month…”  Okay, so I like a lit­tle gang­ster rap and those…

Turn Your Life Around in 30 Days!

What if you could change one aspect of your life in one month?  I mean, what if you could real­ly revamp this skill or char­ac­ter­is­tic?  Would you do it? Habits…