8‑Week Exclusive Transformational Coaching

Transformational, LIFE-CHANGING and high performing 8-week course that includes weekly one-hour live group calls with me. BUT wait, there's more...

Only $1,495.00

  • Trans­for­ma­tion­al, LIFE-CHANGING, and high per­form­ing  8‑week group coach­ing.
  • Live, week­ly calls with me.
  • Plus a down­load­able copy of the 8‑Week Trans­for­ma­tion­al Plan­ner for your per­son­al use.
  • You will be invit­ed to join our pri­vate Face­book page exclu­sive­ly reserved for the mem­bers of our online trans­for­ma­tion­al cours­es.

Here’s a ques­tion: What do you want?  What would make all the dif­fer­ence in your life?  What­ev­er worth­while goal you’d like to achieve, I can help get you there.

KEEP READING and I’ll explain how.?

Every sin­gle detail of our pro­gram has been care­ful­ly and inten­tion­al­ly con­sid­ered.  We want to make it as clear and as sim­ple as pos­si­ble.  We believe in the 80/20 prin­ci­ple and we applied this same approach to our coach­ing pro­gram.

  • You have up to 12 weeks to com­plete the pro­gram.  You can stay on for an addi­tion­al fee.  It’s not that we’re being mean and unrea­son­able, it’s actu­al­ly quite the oppo­site!  We love you and want to see you suc­ceed. ?
    • You gave us (or are giv­ing us) your hard earned mon­ey to get RESULTS.  Trust us when we say, we designed this course with ONLY YOU and your suc­cess in mind.
    • Ever hear of Parkin­son’s Law?  It’s the the­o­ry that the amount of work required adjusts to the time avail­able for its com­ple­tion.  This means that if you give your­self 1 week to do some­thing, you will take the entire week (or more!) to do it, even if the entire task can be done in under an hour.  This is exact­ly why we are putting a dead­line on your progress.?
  • You only need to do 1 task per day.  THIS IS IT!  You are 8–12 weeks away from your goal!

It is remarkable where you can be in only 8 short weeks from now if you do what I’m sharing with you in this program.” Iris Medina-Elston

My goal is to pro­vide the best tai­lored-ser­vice in the busi­ness.  In order to do so, we are lim­it­ing the num­ber of stu­dents we can help trans­form per cohort.

Program Overview

There are many pos­si­ble routes to get to your des­ti­na­tion.  I am going to show you the one with the least amount of effort required, the fastest, and most scenic.

It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.” Warren Buffett

  • The course is bro­ken up into 8 weeks (8 mod­ules).  You have up to 12 weeks to com­plete your goal.  The course is unbe­liev­ably and inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple.
  • We are giv­ing you NO WAY OUT, not because we don’t like you, on the con­trary, WE LOVE YOU and want you to suc­ceed. ?
  • In Week One you will decide what it is that you want to do with your pre­cious life.  You will select one goal you want to focus on for the next 8‑weeks.

    If you don’t know where you’re going, any place will take you there.”

  • In Week Two, you will devel­op your plan for the next 8–12 weeks.
  • In Week Three and the remain­ing weeks, we will put the ped­al to the medal, so to speak.  That is, we will exe­cute this mag­nif­i­cent plan.  It’s not ideas that most lack, it’s exe­cu­tion.  I will help you get there.

To learn more about the pro­gram, please vis­it our About page.

It is remarkable where you can be in only 8 short weeks from now if you do what I’m sharing with you in this program.” Iris Medina-Elston