Hello, and welcome!

My name is Iris Med­i­na-Elston.  Before I con­tin­ue, I want to ask you to treat this sec­tion of our site like you would the Terms or Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.  It is long, painful and drawn out but per­haps nec­es­sary and if you’re a weirdo ( I like weirdos), you might find it interesting…I’m apol­o­giz­ing in advance!  Okay, let’s do this. 

Set up your FREE 30-min consultation.  Link to my calendar.

I am the founder and cre­ator of The 8‑Week Year Plan­ner and Course.  I cre­at­ed this space for you.  This is where entre­pre­neur­ial and cre­ative women, stay-at-home mamas and my sin­gle and fab­u­lous boss babes can col­lab­o­rate, cre­ate and be ruth­less­ly unapolo­getic about their ambi­tion. 
Some­one very wise once said that we become our asso­ci­a­tions, that we are the five peo­ple we sur­round our­selves with
  • Take this expe­ri­ence, this unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage with oth­er like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als and stay awhile.  If COVID-19 has taught us any­thing is our abil­i­ty to con­nect remote­ly.  And even though we can nev­er replace the human touch, I’d like to think that we are for­tu­nate to live in a time when we can see, hear and speak to one anoth­er, regard­less of where we live.
  • The site is bro­ken up into two pri­mar­i­ly parts: The main web­site, which is most­ly infor­ma­tion­al, and the blog.  You’ll want to spend most of your time in our blog where you can expect week­ly and ongo­ing qual­i­ty con­tent that will help you become world-class in every area of your life.
  • Although I wel­come every­one who comes through our remote doors with open arms, I cre­at­ed this vir­tu­al cafe for women.  I have a soft spot for work­ing moms as this is who I am.  I under­stand the intri­ca­cies of car­ing for my fam­i­ly while dili­gent­ly (and tire­less­ly) work­ing on my mul­ti­ple busi­ness­es.  My goal is to help pro­mote gen­der equal­i­ty and wom­en’s empow­er­ment.  I invite you to vis­it, stay as long as you’d like, and col­lab­o­rate.  Oh, and bring your girl­friends along!
About the 8‑Week Year Course and Con­cept
The 8‑Week Year is the heart of our Trans­for­ma­tion­al Life Coach­ing prac­tice.  We bor­rowed and incor­po­rat­ed lessons from Bri­an P. Moran and Michael Lenning­ton, authors of, The 12-Week Year and oth­er beliefs and sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ples. The dis­ci­plines found in our course and plan­ner have been cus­tomized to fit the indi­vid­ual who is mul­ti-pas­sion­ate.

Set up your FREE 30-min consultation.  Link to my calendar.

  • Want to launch a new course, prod­uct, or busi­ness?  
  • Want to write and self-pub­lish a book?
  • Or maybe you want to run a marathon, improve your health, reduce stress, sleep bet­ter or lose some weight?
  • Per­haps all you want to do is improve your rela­tion­ships or maybe you just want to be hap­py liv­ing your dream life. 
  • What­ev­er you want to do, my answer is Yes, YOU can.  All goals share the same blue­print.  No mat­ter what you want to accom­plish, the steps to get you there are ALWAYS the same. 

Why 8‑Weeks?

  • If we gave our­selves a year to lose 50 pounds, there’s a strong pos­si­bil­i­ty that we would find our­selves think­ing that we have plen­ty of time.  After all, Decem­ber in Jan­u­ary looks a long way off.  There’s no sense of urgency in Jan­u­ary, or March or even in July.  
  • Time goes by, life hap­pens, we get dis­tract­ed, dis­cour­aged and even­tu­al­ly lose inter­est, not always, but often enough that most of us can point to a hand­ful of set­backs and fail­ures with dis­ap­point­ment and regret.  Decem­ber shows up and we feel like big chunky losers.
We need a bet­ter plan.
  • We are going to play a game.  We are going to pre­tend that 8‑weeks is 12-months.  Don’t wor­ry, this does­n’t mean that you’ll age 6 years in a 12-month cal­en­dar year.  But you’re more than wel­come to cel­e­brate New Year’s Eve at the end of your 8‑Week Year!
  • When it comes to set­ting goals, every week and every day counts.  Instead of 12 months, you only have 8 weeks.  Fall behind a day and it might affect your week­ly goal, fall behind a week and you’ll have a lot of catch­ing up to do because a week in an 8‑Week Year is a big deal.
Ever heard of the Com­pound Effect?
  • When you do only one impor­tant task, each day, it does­n’t feel so over­whelm­ing.  You’re stretch­ing your­self, but you’re not notic­ing the effort because it’s sub­tle.  Have faith that some­thing won­der­ful is brew­ing.  
  • You will approach the 8‑Week Year in a sus­tain­able pace.  Accord­ing to Jeff and J.J. Suther­land, authors of, Scrum, The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time, share that, “Work­ing long hours does­n’t get more done; it gets less done.  Work­ing too much results in fatigue, which leads to errors, which leads to hav­ing to fix the thing you just fin­ished.”
  • The 8‑Week Year is sim­ple but not easy.  It requires that you throw out every­thing that you think you know about time man­age­ment and goal-set­ting and approach these prin­ci­ples with an open mind.
Pro­gram Overview
  1. Yes, YOU can.  Decide right now that you have the pow­er to change the tra­jec­to­ry of your life.
  2. Know what you want.  Review your burn­ing desire at the begin­ning of each day and right before you fall asleep.
  3. Choose one goal to focus on per 8‑Week Year.  After 8 weeks, you’ll have anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to select a dif­fer­ent goal from your buck­et list of goals.  Imag­ine accom­plish­ing 5–6 major goals every 12 months.  What would life be like for you?
  4. Find at least one rea­son to be grate­ful for each day.
  5. Use the jour­nal sec­tion of the Plan­ner to write your vision dai­ly for the next 8‑weeks.  We attract what we think!
  6. Spend Week 2 | Mod­ule 2 plan­ning.  Don’t wor­ry, I’ll show you exact­ly how to do this.  “There’s noth­ing so use­less as doing effi­cient­ly that which should not be done at all.”  Peter Druck­er 
  7. Trust the process.  Com­plete one crit­i­cal task each day.  Do not pick a task out of a hat.  Do not do the eas­i­est.  Do not do the hard­est.  DO THE MOST IMPORTANTThis is why Week 2 is so impor­tant, per­haps the most impor­tant of all 8 mod­ules, even more impor­tant than Week 3 | Mod­ule 3, where we start putting ped­al to the met­al!
  8. This is it, my friends.  This is real­ly all you need to do to reach your goal.  You don’t need to do a dozen things and you don’t need 12 months to do it, either.  You just need to know exact­ly what it is that you want, know what action to take, which you’ll know once you map out a plan, and then do one dai­ly, albeit IMPORTANT task.  The on-going theme is con­sis­ten­cy.
“Small, dai­ly, seem­ing­ly insignif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions when done con­sis­tent­ly over time, lead to stun­ning results.”  Robin Shar­ma

Set up your FREE 30-min consultation.  Link to my calendar.

The 8‑Week Year Plan­ner #tlc­plan­ner
  • The 8‑Week Year Plan­ner is the soul com­pan­ion of the 8‑Week Year course.  It is a step-by-step guide to help you reach the Moun­tain Top of your poten­tial pow­er.  
  • There are many pos­si­ble routes to get to your des­ti­na­tion.  I’m going to show you the one with the least amount of effort required, the fastest and most scenic.  This Plan­ner will help you accom­plish more in eight weeks than most will in  twelve months in any area of your life by doing one, just one crit­i­cal task per day“It is not nec­es­sary to do extra­or­di­nary things to get extra­or­di­nary results.” War­ren Buf­fett
  • Sim­i­lar to the online course, this Plan­ner is bro­ken up into 8 weeks.  Each week will help you improve your exe­cu­tion by focus­ing on one crit­i­cal task each day.  If you do one impor­tant task every day, that’s 5 major crit­i­cal tasks done in a week, assum­ing you are work­ing 5 days per week.  In a month, that’s 20 major crit­i­cal tasks and in 8 weeks, that’s at least 40 impor­tant actions com­plet­ed toward your over­all goal.  The results WILL BLOW YOUR MIND“If we did the things we are capa­ble of doing, we would lit­er­al­ly astound our­selves.” Thomas Jef­fer­son.
  • As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, we have bor­rowed and incor­po­rat­ed lessons from var­i­ous beliefs and schools in the area of per­son­al devel­op­ment to help you design and live your dream life.  The dis­ci­plines found in our course and plan­ner have been cus­tomized to fit the indi­vid­ual who is mul­ti-pas­sion­ate (rais­es hand!).  
  • After 8‑weeks, you are free to “rinse and repeat” and choose anoth­er excit­ing goal from your buck­et list of goals for the next 8 weeks.  Let me tell you, liv­ing this way is exhil­a­rat­ing, trans­form­ing, and life-chang­ing. 
  • Imag­ine accom­plish­ing 5–6 major goals per one 12-month cal­en­dar year.  What impact could that have on your life in say, two years? What would life be like for you if you were to accom­plish your most impor­tant goals year in and year out?

Grab your copy now! I thank you in advance from the bot­tom of my heart for pick­ing up this Plan­ner.  I gave it every­thing I have.  I eager­ly invite you to share your jour­ney and results with us on social media by using the hash­tag: #tlc­plan­ner


Pro­fes­sion­al and Per­son­al Bio

In a nut­shell, I am an entre­pre­neur, self-pub­lished author, trans­for­ma­tion­al life coach, con­tent and course cre­ator, Montes­sori mom and hap­py wife.  That’s the quick, long-wind­ed ver­sion!  But I want us to get to know each oth­er bet­ter, so please allow me to elab­o­rate.  
  • I am a proud immi­grant.  I was born in Mex­i­co and came here at the ten­der age of sev­en.  I am the first in my fam­i­ly to grad­u­ate from col­lege and the only one with a mas­ter’s degree.  I put myself through school all while work­ing full-time.  I still man­aged to some­how accrue stu­dent debt, how­ev­er.  Sigh…
  • I have done all kinds of work and believe that there’s hon­or in trans­for­ma­tion.  I have picked fruit, cleaned hous­es, cared for chil­dren as a nan­ny, ironed clothes for $5 an hour (I was about 12–13 years old).  
  • I was a self-pro­claimed sous chef and assist­ed my mom with mak­ing and sell­ing bur­ri­tos at her first job work­ing as an oys­ter-open­er in a canary, to help make ends meet.  My mom taught me the mean­ing of hard, hon­est work, with­out intend­ing to.  Lead­ing by exam­ple is always the best way to lead.
  • I, too worked in a canary while attend­ing high school, actu­al­ly before (5am or 6am, can’t remem­ber).  Since I spoke Eng­lish they put me at the front where I was to fill up the jars with frozen oys­ters (I could­n’t feel my fin­gers after about an hour) and then label them.  
  • I have also been a project man­ag­er, entry-lev­el web devel­op­er, per­son­al assis­tant, exec­u­tive assis­tant, senior exec­u­tive assis­tant and Founder and CEO of my own busi­ness­es.  I spent a lot of time in the C‑Suite, watch­ing and learn­ing from the exec­u­tives I sup­port­ed in ven­ture cap­i­tal and the start­up world.  I picked a few good ones to emu­late and I read what they read, talked how they talked, walked how they walked, and did as they did.  I took notes.  I took lots of notes.

I believe we can learn from every sin­gle expe­ri­ence, includ­ing and spe­cial­ly in the work that we do.  I have tak­en par­ent­ing lessons from the high­ly edu­cat­ed and wealthy fam­i­lies I sup­port­ed.  I have tak­en ideas of a bet­ter life from the man­sions and mil­lion-dol­lar homes I cleaned and orga­nized.  I used the time to visu­al­ize and dream…but I did­n’t stay asleep.  Though I’m still on my way to my Moun­tain Top, I’ve already won.

Set up your FREE 30-min con­sul­ta­tion.  Link to my cal­en­dar.

What else…


  • I am the proud moth­er of two boys, one human and one adopt­ed dog­gie.  I am also the hap­py (ish) wife of a won­der­ful (ish) man named Ter­rance (hey, we have our moments!).  We’ve been mar­ried since 12.12.12.  Togeth­er we are tru­ly liv­ing our best life, rais­ing our fam­i­ly veg­an, kind, con­sid­er­ate, and com­pas­sion­ate, the non-lin­ear way.  It’s been a jour­ney and we’ve made a ton of mis­takes along the way.  We’ve pressed the “do over” but­ton more times than I’d like to admit, but we’re here now and going strong.  

All change is hard at first, messy in the mid­dle, and gor­geous at the end.”  Robin Shar­ma

  • As briefly men­tioned, I have a for­mal edu­ca­tion, a bach­e­lor’s and a mas­ter’s degree (with hon­ors) but I nev­er stop learn­ing.  I allo­cate thou­sands of dol­lars each year and invest hun­dreds of hours each month (yes, each month!) on read­ing, and acquir­ing knowl­edge in the areas of busi­ness and per­son­al devel­op­ment.  I live for cours­es, work­shops and any­thing I can do to reach the moun­tain top of my poten­tial pow­er.  
  • I am always in Per­ma­nent Beta.  I invite you to check out my social media chan­nels and blog for inspir­ing and help­ful con­tent I only share with mem­bers of my com­mu­ni­ty.  I share my tips and EVERYTHING I learn with my crew, so be sure to sub­scribe as soon as you can.  Do it NOW, HURRY!

A for­mal edu­ca­tion will make you a liv­ing; self-edu­ca­tion will make you a for­tune.” Jim Rohn

  • I also am the founder and cre­ator of TLC for Women. | Trans­for­ma­tion­al Life Coach­ing for Women (some­times called: Ten­der, Love & Care), an online group coach­ing course where I help women like you cre­ate a life that they love in as lit­tle as 8 weeks.

It is remark­able where you can be in as lit­tle as 8 weeks from now if you do what I’m shar­ing with you in this pro­gram. 

Okay, your turn.  Tell me EVERYTHING.

Grateful Heart

  • Thank you once again for the gift of your time.  It is my deep­est desire to help you trans­form your life.  As you nav­i­gate this space, please let me know how I’m doing and if there’s any­thing I can do bet­ter.
  • With bet­ter aware­ness, you can start mak­ing bet­ter choic­es every day and bet­ter choic­es will pro­duce bet­ter results.”  Robin Shar­ma
  • And if you hap­pen to join my online cours­es, let me know how you’re doing.  Any time you set out to do great things, you will be met with great resis­tance.  Don’t go at this alone. 

P.S. I will have you know that I put my mon­ey where my mouth is (so to speak!) and I set to achieve one major goal every 8‑weeks as well.  You and I are in this togeth­er.  You and I will start our morn­ings and end our days the same way.  No mat­ter where you are in the world, you and I belong to the same tribe.  Let’s con­nect and let’s sup­port one anoth­er.

All my best,


P.S.S: Set up your FREE 30-min consultation.  Link to my calendar. 🙂

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