Want to Change Your Life? Do This One Thing Today

Give thanks. Give thanks today. Give thanks tomor­row. Give thanks for every­thing in your sight. Give thanks for your abil­i­ty to read these words. Give thanks for tech­nol­o­gy and access…

Develop a Morning Ritual

Morn­ing Rit­u­al Today, I will look for rea­sons to feel good. As I’m feel­ing good, I will give thought to my 8‑week goal. This will feel effort­less and fun because…

Thinking my Life in Advance

Friends, I’ve been blog­ging on and off for years and have NOTHING to show for it.  It’s like I’m jour­nal­ing for fun yet I’m spend­ing hours brain­storm­ing, research­ing, writ­ing, edit­ing,…