Living with Integrity

I recent­ly picked up a book, “Liv­ing with Integri­ty,” by Ronald Greer.  Integri­ty is doing the right thing when we know it’s the right thing to do.  It got me think­ing of my life pur­pose and if I’m indeed, liv­ing with integri­ty. It got me to spend some­time dis­cov­er­ing who I am. Before I can claim and live this per­son I have to get to know me.

I often feel that life is pret­ty good.  I am not some­one who lives in the gray, but some­times I feel like I made a wrong turn some­where, like some­thing is just not in sync or in har­mo­ny.  My mind and my heart are not even­ly aligned at times.  I find myself liv­ing too rapid­ly, fig­ur­ing out who I am as I’m going as opposed to know­ing who I am in advance before mak­ing that choice, utter­ing those words or mak­ing some­one feel a cer­tain kind of way that’s every­thing, but won­der­ful.  You know, it takes real courage to live out our val­ues.  Some­times it’s not “cool” to agree with what we believe inside.

There’s a woman who is a real mean girl.  She refers to the home­less as bums and has actu­al­ly joked about hos­ing them down so they can get off the prop­er­ty.  I have also wit­nessed her abuse her pow­er.  I said noth­ing dur­ing both instances.  “Out of my pas­siv­i­ty came my hypocrisy.”  These are the moments I regret most in life, those sacred times when I should have said some­thing.  Ben­jamin Franklin said it best, “As we must account for every idle word, so we must account for every idle silence.”

As we grow in age, we can have the choice to also grow in wis­dom.  So what will you do?  What do you val­ue?  What do you believe?  What is pre­cious and sacred to you?  Before you can claim and live who you are, you must first know who you are.

As always, thank you so much for tun­ing in.  Please sub­scribe and let me know how you han­dled a sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion.  I’m always eager to learn how to do things better. 🙂



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