Install Drupal Using QuickInstall

Today I’m going to show you how to quick­ly install the lat­est ver­sion of Dru­pal using QuickInstall.

Tools you’ll need

  • Host­ga­tor Con­trol Pan­el (cPan­el)
  • A great attitude!


  • A glass of wine and/or a cappuccino

Steps 1–8

1.  Sign in to your Host­ga­tor con­trol panel

2.  Scroll down to Soft­ware & Services

3.  Click on “Quick­In­stall”

4.  Select the ver­sion of Dru­pal you need.  I rec­om­mend the lat­est ver­sion, 7.32

5.  Click on “Install Drupal”

6.  From the drop down menu, select the domain you would like to use

7.  Com­plete the rest of the form and click “Install Dru­pal 7,” wait for it… voila!  You have installed Dru­pal 7 using Quick­In­stall.  That’s it, my ninjas.

Don’t for­get to go to the top right cor­ner, copy and paste the user­name and pass­word the sys­tem pro­vid­ed for you.  You’ll need these cre­den­tials for step #8 and every time you log into your Dru­pal Admin panel.

8.  Go to your site’s domain name, “” and enter the user­name and pass­word to log into your Admin Pan­el.  This is where you will be able to do all kinds of awe­some things.  More on that a lit­tle lat­er…for now, take a vow, you’ve done great!

As always, thank you for your sup­port.  Please share this post with your girl­friends, col­leagues, moth­ers and daughters…and though I write for the ladies, feel free to share with the fel­las as well. 🙂

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