A Blast from the Past!

This post was writ­ten by me in 2009–This is why jour­nal­ing and writ­ing is so impor­tant.  I have a lot of fun going down mem­o­ry lane.  Some­times I cringe when…

The Alchemist

Every­one on earth has a trea­sure that awaits him.  But we speak of trea­sures only to chil­dren.  As we get old­er, we leave “fairy­tales and sil­ly things” behind and let…

Listen to Your Heart

Every­one on earth has a trea­sure that awaits him. But we speak of trea­sures only to chil­dren. As we get old­er, we leave “fairy­tales and sil­ly things” behind and let…

Acceptance 3

I wish for eyes that only see beau­ti­ful things.  I wish for beau­ti­ful lips that only utter beau­ti­ful words.  I wish for hap­py wrin­kles and wide smiles.  I wish for…

Feeling Emo 3

  “Every­thing that has a begin­ning has an end­ing.  Make peace with that and all will be well.” Jack Korn­field I’m in con­stant pur­suit of hap­pi­ness, but this does­n’t mean…