How to Install a Theme Using Cpanel

Hi friends!

If you’re a con­sul­tant, free­lancer or are in the busi­ness of sell­ing something–anything, you must have online pres­ence.  Nowa­days, more and more con­sumers use the inter­net to search for prod­ucts and ser­vices they need.  Cus­tomers, busi­ness part­ners, poten­tial employ­ees and even investors use your web­site to learn more about your busi­ness.  The good news is that hav­ing a basic infor­ma­tion­al site is quick and pain­less.  Today I’m going to go over how to install a theme using Cpan­el.  (Video Tuto­ri­als Com­ing Soon!)

First, what is Cpanel?

  • Cpan­el is a web host­ing con­trol pan­el, which pro­vides easy access to man­ag­ing your instal­la­tion and oth­er gen­er­al tasks.
  • Most Cpan­els look very sim­i­lar if not iden­ti­cal.  Today, we will be using Host­ga­tor.  I have a busi­ness account with Host­ga­tor and can host and cre­ate mul­ti­ple indi­vid­ual accounts, but if you only have one main site you should not be pay­ing more than $10 per month.

If you have not already pur­chased a domain, go and do so right now.  I like and use GoDad­dy for all my domains.

Let’s get started!

Steps 1–10:

  1. Once you’ve down­loaded your theme, I rec­om­mend mov­ing your file to your cloud stor­age account.  If you are still stor­ing your infor­ma­tion in an exter­nal hard dri­ve or keep­ing them in your com­put­er, you should imme­di­ate­ly con­sid­er set­ting up an account with either Drop­Box or Box.  Com­put­ers often crash, get lost and/or stolen.  Keep­ing your files in a safe place is the respon­si­ble thing to do.
  2. Log in to your con­trol pan­el.  You can get to it by enter­ing the fol­low­ing:  Please replace “iamfab­u­lous” with your own domain.
  3. Scroll down and go direct­ly to File Man­ag­er, click okay to go into your site.
  4. Go to Pub­lic HTML, scroll down until you see a Themes fold­er.
  5. Click the the­me’s fold­er and select Upload Files found on the head­er.  Select your saved zip file.
  6. Go back to the Cpan­el and click on the theme you just uploaded. It will look like a brown/yellow box.
  7. Select Extract from the top head­er and click Ok.
  8. You will now see a new fold­er with today’s date on it.  This is your new installed theme, girlfriend!
  9. Delete the exist­ing zip file (brown/yellow box) by select­ing and then click­ing the Delete but­ton from the head­er. This will keep your Cpan­el orga­nized and clean.  Since the files have been extract­ed, keep­ing your zip file is not nec­es­sary and will only take up space.  When you are run­ning mul­ti­ple projects you have to be very orga­nized in order to be effi­cient.  You do not have time to look through unnec­es­sary files.  Remove all dis­trac­tions, sim­pli­fy and orga­nize your life.
  10. For Word­Press: go back to your web­site, sign in as admin­is­tra­tor, select Appear­ance, select Themes and you’ll see your new theme.  I’ll be writ­ing a sep­a­rate, yet very sim­i­lar process for all my Drupalistas!

If you got to step 10 you should feel very proud!  Grab a glass and pour your­self a drink because you have offi­cial­ly and (hope­ful­ly) suc­cess­ful­ly installed a theme using Cpan­el.  Go on, rockstar!

As always, I sin­cere­ly hope you found this arti­cle help­ful.  Please don’t for­get to hit the Like but­ton below and to share with your friends and col­leagues.  And if you like my style, go on and sub­scribe to receive exclu­sive month­ly updates!

Video tuto­ri­als com­ing soon!

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