You Have the Power to Make Any Change in Your Life

When you give the cred­it or the blame to anoth­er for your suc­cess or lack of it, you are pow­er­less to make any change.”

Suc­cess is your nat­ur­al birthright and fail­ure should feel bad to you.  Your emo­tion­al dis­com­fort is an indi­ca­tor that some­thing is very wrong or very right.

Pay atten­tion to your feel­ings, to the cor­re­la­tions between your feel­ings and your cir­cum­stances.  “If you’re stand­ing in the absence of some­thing that you want, you must find a way to feel the essence of it, even before it comes or it can­not come…”

Believ­ing is see­ing and not the oth­er way around.  All this is my friends, is faith.  Do you have to see God in the flesh for you to believe in His power?

Hav­ing faith in your­self is the same as hav­ing faith in God.  Because He made you and can you imag­ine God mak­ing mis­takes?  Nei­ther can I.

You don’t have to wait 5 years to deserve what it is that you want.  You don’t have to tell your­self that you don’t deserve what you want right now because you haven’t saved the right amount of mon­ey for your dream home or you haven’t put in enough time toward that pro­mo­tion you want so bad­ly.  Ask for it now.

Take a deep breath, love.  Know that you are pow­er­ful and that you have the option to focus upon what you want by pay­ing atten­tion to the way you feel.  When you feel angry, frus­trat­ed, afraid, or resent­ful, your body will tell you what path you’re on.  Get off that road and change your feel­ings, immediately.

When you are feel­ing good, con­tin­ue to focus on what you want and use this time to imag­ine the life that you wish to have.  Our thoughts attract things, but it’s our feel­ings that give fuel them.  Think of your thoughts as a match and a piece of wood.  Your feel­ings are the fuel.

When you’re watch­ing some­thing on TV, some­thing scary, or stress­ful, you have the pow­er to change the chan­nel.  It’s the same with your feel­ings.  Change the channel.

Be inten­tion­al.  Be delib­er­ate.  No more liv­ing by default.  Splash some water on your face and wake up.  Take a deep breath and decide that you will tell a dif­fer­ent sto­ry.  You will tell the sto­ry of the life that you wish to have.



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