Yes You Can!

Why not me?  Why not you?

The best among us are not more gift­ed than the rest.  They just take lit­tle steps each day as they march towards life.  The days, turn into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years.  And before they know it, they arrive at a place call extra­or­di­nary.” Robin Sharma

What is the one goal achieved that would make the biggest dif­fer­ence in your life?

Why not take the first step towards it?  You don’t need all the answers right this minute, you’ll fig­ure them out as you go.  State what you want right now and take one small step towards it right now.

What­ev­er goal you have, it doesn’t mat­ter what it is, it first starts in your mind.  You must have the right mind­set before you begin or it will nev­er work.

I am a coach.  This is my call­ing.  I’m a lot of oth­er things: entre­pre­neur, self-pub­lished author, work­ing-mom, and con­tent cre­ator.  But coach­ing and help­ing oth­ers see in them­selves what I see in them is my call­ing, above all my pro­fes­sions.  I love cel­e­brat­ing peo­ple, espe­cial­ly women.  I’m a woman liv­ing a mar­velous life, I’m a mom, I’m a wife and I am a boss.  I’ve also been sin­gle and lone­ly, finan­cial­ly con­flict­ed, lost AF, uncer­tain about the future, stressed the FO, and unhap­py.  I am relatable.

Coach­ing is impor­tant for many rea­sons.  All the greats have them.  We all need some­one to hold us account­able and help us get to the next lev­el in our cho­sen paths.  There are blind spots we miss when we don’t have some­one else help­ing us cham­pi­on our strengths and max­i­mize our effectiveness.

You can even­tu­al­ly get to the north by going south but why on earth would you do that?  Why not just go south?  Coach­ing saves you time and mon­ey, this is for cer­tain.  But coach­ing can save your life as well.  So many of us are alive but not real­ly liv­ing.  We are so lucky to be alive and yet we are not liv­ing our best lives.  You know the kind, per­haps you’re one of them…They have a pulse, they’re breathing…but they often find it dif­fi­cult to breathe, not because they’re sick, it’s much worse than that, actu­al­ly.  They know that life can be so much bet­ter.  How many times have you gasped for air?

Please don’t die nev­er hav­ing real­ized your dreams.

XO, Iris

Life Coach for BOSS BABES | W // |#inper­ma­nent­be­ta 改善 | Iris helps women real­ize their full poten­tial, live their best life, set and achieve GIGANTIC worth­while goals in 6–8‑weeks! Please mes­sage us for details.

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