Why Every Choice You Make Matters

Every choice shapes how you live today, but most impor­tant, how you live the rest of your life. But the good news is, change is with­in you.” ‑Dar­ren Hardy, The Com­pound Effect

What may seem like a small, tiny deci­sion, from what to eat and where to work, to the peo­ple you spend your time with, to how you spend your free time…all these super small dai­ly deci­sions can turn into an amaz­ing, hap­py, healthy life or they can turn into some­thing quite the opposite.

Choic­es are great, but they are a two-edged sword. We can choose to and we can choose not to. Even when we’re choos­ing NOT to, we’re mak­ing a choice.


 My lessons are sim­ple but not nec­es­sar­i­ly easy. All I ask of you is to take action every day this week. We do things day by day.  You don’t need to spend hours and hours per day work­ing on your goal, that’s great if you have the moti­va­tion to do so, but it is real­ly hard to keep that momen­tum going every day.


List the 3 most impor­tant actions (remem­ber, not all action is pro­duc­tive) you can take today to INCH you clos­er to your goal…just a lit­tle push, a lit­tle scoot towards your goal…do those 3 things on your list and then go on about your day.  Do the same tomor­row: take 3 actions.  If you are pressed on time, take one action but make sure it is the most impor­tant of the 3.


 If you feel like doing more, by all means, go for it! Just know that by just work­ing on your TOP 3 tasks every day, you WILL even­tu­al­ly get there.


 Think about this: You decide to do some “spring clean­ing” so you clean out your draw­ers, dump every­thing in a pile and decide to get to work. You’re deter­mined and excited…a few hours lat­er and you take a break…and then you con­vince your­self that there are oth­er more impor­tant things to do…and a day goes by…it is very like­ly that you will leave that pile of stuff there for days, maybe longer.


But what if you decid­ed to imple­ment this strat­e­gy I’ve shared with you? What if you work on this one small draw­er today for 15 min­utes. You set your timer for 15 min­utes and you go at it. Once the time is up you are done for the day.


You repeat this every day for the rest of the week. By the end of the week, you will have made such an improve­ment and you hard­ly broke a sweat. In fact, it was fun, ther­a­peu­tic and you felt great!


That is pre­cise­ly what hap­pens when we feel accom­plished. Small wins lead to huge accom­plish­ments. Please cel­e­brate them and keep going every sin­gle day, even when you don’t feel like it.


You can apply this method to every area of your life.  Want to fin­ish a book this month…read for 15 mins. Don’t have 15 mins (come on), then read for 5.  By the end of the week, you would have read 35 mins with just 5 mins per day. Amaz­ing, I know!


For those of you who would like more direc­tion, please sign up for my 8‑Week Trans­for­ma­tion­al Life Coach­ing course.

My lessons are inten­tion­al­ly sim­ple but very pow­er­ful and trans­for­ma­tive. You don’t need to do 100 things to get there, just take small, daily/consistent action. Keep a pos­i­tive atti­tude, and believe that you can and you will! ??




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