Why An Okay Feeling is a Negative Feeling

I learned some­thing major today that I absolute­ly need to share.  I learned that neg­a­tive feel­ings come in dif­fer­ent degrees.  That life is made up of two ideas: pos­i­tive and negative.

  • Our lives are either good or bad. 
  • Our work is either excit­ing or unsuccessful.
  • We’re either hap­py or unhap­py and unfulfilled. 
  • We’re doing great or we’re not.
  • You either have a good/solid mar­riage or you have a bad one.

Many of us believe that neg­a­tive feel­ings have to be extreme, such as deep sad­ness, heart­break, anger and grief.

Feel­ing okay is a neg­a­tive feeling.

If all you feel is okay most of the time, some­thing is very wrong. Feel­ing okay is not feel­ing good. And two feel­ings rule the world, our lives, in par­tic­u­lar, and that is good and bad.

Feel­ing okay is a neg­a­tive feel­ing because okay is not feel­ing good.”

We attract what we think, even­tu­al­ly, after many repeat­ed thoughts but we bring to us at light­ning speeds for SURE what we FEEL. If you feel okay most of the time you’re actu­al­ly feel­ing bad and you don’t even know it.

It’s always those pesky details, isn’t it…subtle feel­ings that we tend to ignore or mis­take for not being a big deal because after all, they are bet­ter than feel­ing hor­ri­ble.  But are they better?

A bro­ken leg will send us straight to the ER, but a sub­tle, qui­et pain, that can be more alarm­ing than a bro­ken bone, we might neglect until it’s pos­si­bly too late.

Those okay feel­ings will give you more of that, an okay life and who wants an okay mar­riage an okay career?  Who wants to be an okay par­ent or friend?

If you con­stant­ly feel okay, then you will have an okay life, an aver­age life or not much life at all.

So what can we do about it?

When some­one asks you how you’re doing, get in the habit of say­ing great or real­ly good. Even­tu­al­ly you’ll start to believe it, if it’s not your cur­rent life, and you’ll begin to man­i­fest it.

A belief is a thought I keep telling myself.”

All my best,


(Book Ref­er­ence: The Pow­er)

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