a change is coming

Successful Manifestors Believe in the Power of Feelings

How do you feel right now?  Do you feel clear about what it is that you’re want­i­ng? Do you feel in con­trol of your thoughts?

If you’re like most peo­ple, you feel frus­trat­ed, over­whelmed and anx­ious about your future and maybe even your present and past.

Your feel­ings are signs.

Your feel­ings are your best friends.  If you feel good, you’re on the right path to cre­at­ing more of that feel­ing.  If you feel lousy, or lost or have any neg­a­tive emo­tion, your best friends, your feel­ings are let­ting you know that you should imme­di­ate­ly stop what you’re doing and think­ing and shift your atten­tion to some­thing else.

But if you’re not a light switch that can swift­ly give your atten­tion to some­thing else once those neg­a­tive emo­tions have tak­en con­trol, then I’d rec­om­mend find­ing a distraction.

Since most of us car­ry our phones with us, have ready-to-go videos that make you laugh, laugh, laugh your booty off.  Keep watch­ing them until you feel bet­ter.  And only then, when you are ready, go back to rec­og­niz­ing and thank­ing your best friends for being there for you.  Those pesky feel­ings are want­i­ng so des­per­ate­ly to let know you that you will attract more of what you’re think­ing.  They are there to help.

Easy, right?  When you feel good, keep going.  Keep those feel­ings alive!  When you feel neg­a­tive emo­tions you either stop, if you have the will pow­er to do so, or find a dis­trac­tion — it’s worth repeating!

While it may feel good to feel bad, and I know you know what I mean, that pity par­ty we’ve all wal­lowed in, please know that unless you want more of it, stop it.  Those neg­a­tive thoughts you are feel­ing about oth­ers can and will only harm you.  So the best way to get your revenge (so to speak) from those who have “done you wrong” is to feel good about your life; and isn’t that what you’ve always want­ed, any­way, to feel good?

Eas­i­er said than done, you say.  True, but not impossible.

We’re going to start some­thing that will change your freak­ing life.  Ready?  Awesome.

For now, friends, your job is to be clear about what you are want­i­ng.  Please, please, please do not wor­ry for now about how it is that you will get it or become that which you are want­i­ng to be.

All you are to do is to be clear about what you want.

For exam­ple, if you want to be in con­trol of your time and have the flex­i­bil­i­ty to enjoy life with your loved ones then state that, and be as clear as you can about what it is that you want with­out being so clear that you have cre­at­ed doubt.  Make sense?

Let me say this again:

When we are want­i­ng some­thing, like “day dream­ing”, we get excit­ed and feel good about our thoughts.  Remem­ber your feel­ings are pow­er­ful indi­ca­tors.  But, once we start to get more detailed, our idea starts to feel like an unat­tain­able dream, and all of a sud­den we start to doubt our abil­i­ties and that feel­ing of excite­ment is tak­en over by neg­a­tive emotions.

You must feel good…so go back to the draw­ing board and be as clear as you can about your goal (start with one for now) while feel­ing good about it.

You are to ONLY to think about what you want, be clear and pre­cise only enough that you can believe it.  One thing that has helped me believe that it can hap­pen is by look­ing around me and see­ing how much mon­ey, suc­cess and oppor­tu­ni­ty there is.  And I start to believe that I can, too.

You are not to think about how, when or if.  Please, just let your mind feel good.  When you’re feel­ing good, you’re paving the way for creation…

Ready for more?  Yes?!? Awe­some.  Stay tuned.

If you enjoyed this arti­cle, please com­ment below, sub­scribe and share it with a friend who could use some man­i­fest­ing inspi­ra­tion as well.

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