What Does It Take to Live Out Our Dreams?

Ever won­der what it takes to be great? My inten­tion with this post isn’t mere­ly to pro­voke thought but to inspire you to take action.

Most of us have two lives: the lives we live and the lives we are capa­ble of liv­ing.” ‑The War of Art

Would­n’t it be great if we could live out our dreams; if we could live by design and not by default?

 Have you thought about what it takes to live this “oth­er” you? The indi­vid­ual you know is some­where inside?  What does it take to be your best?

The answer is sim­ple but not easy. It takes con­sis­ten­cy. It takes you doing some­thing over and over and over even when it does­n’t seem like any­thing is hap­pen­ing. You must trust that it is and keep going.  All you have to do is take the first step and then put one foot in front of the oth­er. ??

 Have you ever asked your­self, where would you be if you had kept going with that idea or that goal? I used to live like this all the time.

 My friends, you don’t need a new book, a new idea, a new busi­ness ven­ture. You need to con­sis­tent­ly exe­cute. ??

 I’m updat­ing the pro­gram to make it sim­pler. I have been research­ing ways and work­ing around the clock to make it eas­i­er (with­out com­pro­mis­ing its effi­cien­cy) and more enjoy­able. Because you want to have fun with this. You are design­ing your life.

 You will only need to do one crit­i­cal task per day instead of 3. You must still know in advance what that task is, after putting togeth­er your 8‑week plan.  The inten­tion is to get you to get into the habit of tak­ing con­sis­tent action.

We are what we repeat­ed­ly do. Excel­lence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Aris­to­tle

 What­ev­er your goals are, they are so worth it and you are wor­thy of them. You deserve every­thing that you want in this world.

All my best,


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