Want to Change Your Life? Do This One Thing Today

Give thanks. Give thanks today. Give thanks tomor­row. Give thanks for every­thing in your sight. Give thanks for your abil­i­ty to read these words. Give thanks for tech­nol­o­gy and access to the inter­net. Give thanks for the glass of water you’re drink­ing. Give thanks for your good health. Give thanks for being alive and well today. Give thanks for your loved ones. Give thanks for your life. Give thanks for your friends. Give thanks all day long.

If the only prayer you say in your entire life is thank you, that is enough.” Meis­ter Eckhart

Give thanks for every sin­gle thing you have in your life. Spare every moment you can to give thanks for all your bless­ings. The more you feel grat­i­tude, the more love you give, and the more love you give, the more love you receive.

Thank­ful for the dif­fer­ent ways God con­tin­ues to show up in my life.

Good day, friends.



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