TLC for Women. | Transformational Life Group Coaching for Women.

Now is not the TIME to make this happen.”

I have no idea what will hap­pen in the next few weeks or maybe even months.” “I need to hold on to my mon­ey because who knows what will hap­pen with this virus.”

Is this you?  Talk­ing your­self out of your blessings?

? Lewis Howes shared on his Insta­gram page a list of star­tups found­ed dur­ing the last reces­sion. I don’t know about you but I’d like to do more than sur­vive this glob­al crisis…you with me?

?What if…what if you went all in? What if you placed your gor­geous, man­i­cured foot ?on the gas ped­al oh so firm­ly and smoked your naysay­ers, you know who they are…they are those A‑holes who secret­ly are hop­ing for you to FAIL! I know. I don’t get it, either. Makes no sense….

?Imag­ine if… you did the oppo­site of what every­one else is doing? What if you went hard for your goals? What if you 10X every action you took over the next 8‑weeks?

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( - Link to the course)

❤️What if you lived inten­tion­al­ly? What if you became the per­son you always want­ed to be? How would that make you feel? How would you walk? How would you talk? ?What would that do for your life today?

?I have an idea. Your sched­ule has freed up a bit, right? You work at a job that is now “let­ting” you work from home as if you were a child. And you’ve had a glimpse of what work­ing from any­where in the world looks like.? You like this life…don’t you?

?Ready to stop trad­ing time for mon­ey? Ready to launch your online course? Ready to start your own busi­ness? Ready to write and self-pub­lish your book? ?Ready to work when you want to and be able to say no to hor­ri­ble clients or boss­es!? ??

Or maybe you just want to focus on you? If so, I got you, babe. ?

?I per­son­al­ly have DONE all those things!!! Yasss, hon­ey! Send me a DM, let’s talk! I am on a seri­ous mis­sion to help a thou­sand women this year.☎️???Help me reach my goal.?

I’m send­ing you all the love and strength to car­ry you through these chal­leng­ing times, pray­ing that you use this time to design your dream life once and for all.

There’s no bet­ter time than now.



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