stephen covey quote about prioritizing your goals

The Ultimate Law of Attraction and Manifesting Guide: Your 10 Year Plan!

Guys!  I bolt­ed out of bed at 3:00 am this morn­ing with a crazy thought, one I have thought about in the past and espe­cial­ly last night and I just had to share it with you.

I have a list of pro­fes­sion­al goals I want to accom­plish in my life, but espe­cial­ly this year and over the decade.  As you are well aware, we have entered a new decade.  If you haven’t list­ed your goals for these next 10 years do it as quick­ly as pos­si­ble, after you’ve read this article!

Back to my sto­ry.  In 2016 I self-pub­lished a book on how to start a busi­ness in Cal­i­for­nia.  Last night I was dri­ving by a uni­ver­si­ty.  I nor­mal­ly take a dif­fer­ent route to my des­ti­na­tion, but my GPS took me right in front of this cam­pus.  I’m at a traf­fic light, star­ring at this huge cam­pus, and I got this warm and excit­ing feel­ing inside.  I imme­di­ate­ly called my hus­band and asked what he thought about me going back to school and get­ting anoth­er degree.  I already have two.  He said, “absolute­ly not; we are not adding more stu­dent debt to our debt.”  Well, that was dis­ap­point­ing, so  I let go of the idea of going back to school as a stu­dent, but it did stay in the back of my mind through­out the evening and right as I went to bed.

This morn­ing, I swear to you that I woke up with this thought in mind: go back to school as a teacher and teach busi­ness!  I had thought about this in the past and as I was updat­ing my resume (you must take imme­di­ate action) to send out, I thought of my e‑book.

If you are not embar­rassed by the first ver­sion of your prod­uct, you’ve launched too late.” Reid Hoffman

Guys, when an idea enters your mind, you run with it.  You take imme­di­ate action, and espe­cial­ly if you feel excit­ed and good about it.  You are in cre­ation mode and the law of attrac­tion is work­ing for you.  So anoth­er wild idea came to mind:  I wrote this book in 2016 about start­ing a busi­ness in Cal­i­for­nia.  I also only want to teach busi­ness (I think!) or the law of attrac­tion, but I don’t think the world is ready to add this study to a school cur­ricu­lum, sad­ly!  Any­way, I thought, why not update my book, make it a lit­tle longer and use it as a required text­book for my new class!!! Holy Moses!  The ideas just kept coming.

Here’s a lit­tle back­ground on why this is so neat.  When you write your goals and read them, obsess about them, and think about them over and over, the uni­verse lis­tens to your deep­est thoughts and it will deliv­er.  It may not come in a direct form, but it will nudge you to take some sort of action (action is key!) that will take you right where you need to be.  Oh, snap!

Guys, I beg you to con­trol your thoughts, think about what you want out of this sacred life, and go for it!  Don’t sec­ond guess your­self, start right where you are.  It feels so freak­ing good to cre­ate.  I believe that this is one sure way one can find hap­pi­ness: when you’re proud of your­self and feel like you have accom­plished some­thing.  So do it.  Do it now and tell me about it! 🙂

P.S.: I wrote this post in record time.  My fin­gers just kept typ­ing and going.  This is com­ing from the heart.  I promise you, life can be mag­nif­i­cent and that is all I want for you.  The world is in des­per­ate need of hap­py peo­ple, now more than ever.



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