The Simple but Profound Principles All Successful People Have

Hi Friends!

There’s some­thing I real­ly want to do, even though it will put me in a very vul­ner­a­ble posi­tion and sub­ject to crit­i­cism.  I was lis­ten­ing to Gary V’s “Crush­ing It” on Audi­ble and have decid­ed to bor­row one of his many amaz­ing ideas.  I’m going to learn, grow, suc­ceed and fail with the world watch­ing (or just you, my two — just kid­ding!- subscribers).

I want to doc­u­ment my grow­ing pains.  Whether it’s par­ent­ing (I’m a brand-spank­ing-new mom), strength­en­ing my mar­riage, and my rela­tion­ships with fam­i­ly, col­leagues, and friends, start­ing and fin­ish­ing new projects, achiev­ing vital­i­ty and good health in mind, body, and spir­it, and cap­tur­ing my jour­ney to becom­ing veg­an, I want to doc­u­ment and share every step of the way.

Achiev­ing suc­cess is nev­er a straight line, but over the past cou­ple of years, I have expe­ri­enced some of it and I’d like to share my expe­ri­ence.  We can always become bet­ter at some­thing, any­thing we find worth­while.  For exam­ple, I don’t want just a sol­id mar­riage.  I want pas­sion, romance, respect, laugh­ter, uncon­di­tion­al love, excite­ment, sup­port, loy­al­ty, and friend­ship.  I’m wise enough to know that these things don’t mag­i­cal­ly appear on their own.  We have to work at them, every day.

My men­tor (through his books), Dar­ren Hardy, author of “The Com­pound Effect” states that the key to achiev­ing suc­cess in any area is small, but con­sis­tent actions that over time “com­pound”.  Whether it’s mon­ey you’re try­ing to save, pounds you’re try­ing to lose or a busi­ness you’re hop­ing to start, it will only hap­pen if done consistently.

The most chal­leng­ing aspect of the Com­pound Effect is that it requires con­sis­ten­cy, dis­ci­pline, and patience.  We have to keep work­ing away for a while before we can begin to see the pay­off.  Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we live in a time where we want suc­cess with­out pay­ing the price.  Grit, for­ti­tude, and hard work is not some­thing many are inter­est­ed in these days.

The theme of this blog is being in Per­ma­nent Beta.  This means that I am always grow­ing, always expand­ing in every area of life.  I’m going for the whole-life suc­cess: busi­ness, finances, health and well-being, fam­i­ly, rela­tion­ships, lifestyle, and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty.  My phi­los­o­phy is to become bet­ter and to nev­er stop grow­ing and learning–to remain in per­ma­nent beta.

I am also of the belief that we can have any­thing we want, just not all at once.

The first step is aware­ness.  Pick an area in your life where you most want to be suc­cess­ful.  Write it down.

A goal that is not in writ­ing is mere­ly a fantasy.”

Next, deter­mine what moti­vates you.  What is your “why”?

Like an episode in your favorite t.v. show, you’ll have to tune in next week for more.  Our home­work (we’re doing this togeth­er) is to list our top goals, choose the most impor­tant one and deter­mine our “why.”

As always, thank you for allow­ing me to be a small part of your life.  And if you would, please leave me a com­ment, like and share!

See you next week!





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