buddha quote about becoming our thoughts

The Ritual of Self-Reflection and Goal-Setting: How to Develop Self-Mastery

Most of what I share and write is uno­rig­i­nal and inspired by books I’ve read.  Much like the title of this blog, I am in per­ma­nent beta.  That is, I am always look­ing for ways to rev­o­lu­tion­ize my life, to rein­vent myself by reflect­ing on pre­vi­ous actions and mis­takes and learn­ing from them.  I wish to open my heart and share my con­tin­u­ous path to self-mas­tery with you.

As you strive to improve the lives of oth­ers, your own life will be ele­vat­ed into its high­est dimensions.”

Robin Shar­ma, author of the book, “The Monk Who Sold His Fer­rari” said it best, “We are liv­ing in a very trou­bled world, neg­a­tiv­i­ty per­vades it…weary souls search­ing for a light­house that will keep them from crash­ing against the rocky shores.”

Peo­ple want to be hap­py.  They want a bet­ter life.  But they don’t know how to get there because they are unsure about what hap­pi­ness means to them or what a bet­ter life looks like.  They are not con­cen­trat­ing every ounce of their men­tal ener­gy on self-dis­cov­ery.  They do not know what they love or what tru­ly makes them happy.

I’ve read that peo­ple who study oth­ers are wise, but those who study them­selves are enlightened.

Spend­ing qui­et, unin­ter­rupt­ed time alone, espe­cial­ly ear­ly in the morn­ing is the only way I can real­ly get to know me.  What is it that I’m after?  What do I want out of life?

You will nev­er be able to hit a tar­get you can­not see.”

It is believed that we think about 60, 000 thoughts per day, on aver­age.  Trans­form your life by clear­ly defin­ing your life’s pur­pose.  Let the law of attrac­tion and the pow­ers of the uni­verse help bring it to reality.

We become what we think about all day long.” Ralph Wal­do Emerson

By think­ing clear­ly about your life’s aim and obsess­ing over it every chance you get, you are telling your mind that these thoughts right here (your goals and desires) take pri­or­i­ty.  Your mind will start to fil­ter out the unim­por­tant ones and push those clear­ly defined goals to the front of the line.  Your thoughts become things.  Say it over and over and over: Thoughts become things.

Those who are tru­ly enlight­ened know what they want out of life: emo­tion­al­ly, phys­i­cal­ly, mate­ri­al­ly and spiritually.”

Achieve­ment need not be mate­r­i­al, it can be, sure.  But what about self-mas­tery?  What does that mean to you?  What about peace of mind, the ener­gy you bring to each day and the love you give?  Life gives you what you ask of it.

What road do I take?” Asked Alice. “Where do you want to go?” Asked the cat. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the Cat, “it real­ly does­n’t mat­ter, does it?

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