Living from a Deep Place

A sure way to find your life pur­pose is to get to know your­self.  It requires becom­ing still and qui­et, mak­ing a com­mit­ment to yourself.

Get­ting to know your­self requires putting your­self at the top of the to-do-list.

What is your life purpose?

  • What does it mean to you to “live from a deep place”?
  • What would a ful­filled life look like?

What do authen­ti­cal­ly hap­py peo­ple do that so many peo­ple don’t?

Has this yearn­ing for ful­fill­ment been so strong that it makes it dif­fi­cult to breathe, at times, perhaps?

For me it has.

This call has been so loud, so intense.  I had to step off the beat­en path and devote myself to this search.

I’ve had glimpses for a very long time, (per­haps you can relate) of the woman I am start­ing to believe that I can be.  I’ve had recur­ring thoughts of an extra­or­di­nary life and what that looks like for me.  I under­stood it intu­itive­ly with­out ever real­ly know­ing what “it” was.

Intu­ition is a sud­den immer­sion of the soul.”

We often cov­er this noble pur­suit with oth­er mean­ing­less ven­tures because we lack the courage to acknowl­edge the omens, the signs, and seek out our treasure.

Each of us has a life purpose.

  1. Who is the kind of per­son that you want to be?
  2. What kind of life do you want to lead?

Tell your heart that the fear of suf­fer­ing is worse than the suf­fer­ing itself.  And that no heart has ever suf­fered, when it goes in search of its dreams because every sec­ond of the search is a sec­ond’s encounter with God and with eter­ni­ty.”  — The Alchemist-

When you’re in search of your life pur­pose, ideas and thoughts emerge from what seems out of nowhere.  One word uttered will lead to one moment of silence, to a thought, to a book…to this post.

If you feel that you’re in the right place, at the right time, and that you’re using your gifts, you are like­ly liv­ing your life purpose.

Don’t chase goals to prove some­thing to some­one else.  That’s not liv­ing from a deep place.

Who are you?

What do you want?

Whe we are moti­vat­ed by goals that have mean­ing, by dreams that need com­ple­tion, by pure love that needs express­ing, then we tru­ly live life.” (Ander­son, 1997, p. 36)



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