The 30-Day LOVE Challenge: 100 Things to LOVE Each Day for 30 Days!

Hi, friends!  I have an awe­some chal­lenge you can do from any­where in the world, it costs zero dol­lars to do and the results will tru­ly be trans­for­ma­tive.  Are you ready?

We are going to do a 30-day chal­lenge.  For 30 days, you will (we, because I’m in on this chal­lenge!) find 100 things that you love.

Any­one can join! In fact, I pray that you all do!  There’s no age lim­it, no par­tic­u­lar race, reli­gion, polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion or gen­der required.  You don’t need a col­lege degree, be in a cer­tain income brack­et or look like a super­mod­el.  All you need is you and you are per­fect just as you are.

Okay, so here’s what we’re going to do.  Very sim­ple.  Here it goes. 

For the next 30 days, each day you will:

List 100 things that you love.

Here are some exam­ples I came up with today.

  • I love when my tod­dler and I have pil­low talk right before he goes to bed.
  • I love my hobbies.
  • I love water­ing my plants with my 2‑year-old son, Carter.
  • I love when my dog let’s out a big sigh of relief when he’s in my arms.
  • I love how I freak out when I think of what would have hap­pened if I had­n’t been out the night I met my husband.

Okay, your turn. What do you love?  I know 100 things to list sounds daunt­ing but it real­ly isn’t too bad.  It’s actu­al­ly very fun!  Stick with it and you WILL trans­form your life.  I guar­an­tee it.


You’re wel­come! 🙂



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