The Difference Between Knowledge and Execution in Setting and Accomplishing Goals.

??MAOR ANNOUNCEMENT (read all the way to the bot­tom for a SPECIAL OFFER)??

This is for all my Boss Babes, espe­cial­ly my work­ing mamas. I have so much love, respect, and appre­ci­a­tion for you.  I want to talk to YOU, yes YOU. What’s hold­ing you back, love? What fears keep you up at night?

How about you, mama? You have this pre­cious child, or per­haps you’ve been blessed with mul­ti­ple small humans, and your heart breaks each time you hand them off to some­one else to care for them so that you can go to a job that does­n’t appre­ci­ate you, emo­tion­al­ly or finan­cial­ly.  You take a deep breath and say to your­self, “That’s just the way it is”, or “I lack the skills and expe­ri­ence to go after a high­er pay­ing job, so I best, appre­ci­ate what I have and get to work.”

Does this sound familiar?

Or what about you, big and beau­ti­ful? You hate hav­ing to get ready for work because you’re not hap­py with what you see in the mir­ror. In fact, hav­ing to get dressed is prob­a­bly the most chal­leng­ing part of your day.  What would life be like if you got up, looked at the woman in the mir­ror and loved every inch of her? How would that make you feel?

Most of us know what we need to do. We don’t lack ideas or knowl­edge, we lack execution.

If you want to lose weight you don’t need to buy the lat­est diet book or app, yet the diet and fit­ness indus­try is a $60 bil­lion dol­lar indus­try. You know that you need to eat better/less and exer­cise more, yet 65% of Amer­i­cans just don’t do it (65% are over­weight or obese).

This same idea applies to every oth­er area in your life: your busi­ness, your finances, your fam­i­ly and your relationships.

We don’t lack knowl­edge; we lack execution.”


I’m here to help you exe­cute and fol­low through on the promis­es you’ve made to your­self and per­haps even your fam­i­ly. You owe it to your­self to at least try.

Like you, I have goals. I’m on a mis­sion to help 1000 women this year design their dream lives. I am obsessed with this idea.  I believe as women, we run the world, but we can’t do it feel­ing tired, over­whelmed and unful­filled.  We can’t do this well when we’re being pulled in a dozen dif­fer­ent directions…

☎️I am look­ing to speak with 5 women for an hour and for FREE this week.  Send me a mes­sage if you’re inter­est­ed. ?This is an hour con­ver­sa­tion, no tasty ses­sion here! I want to go deep if you’ll allow us.

Click on the link below ⬇️to book your Free ses­sion with me. ? Are you in? Awe­some. Let’s do this.??

XO — Iris
Life Coach for Women

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