February 2017 Kick Off

Feb­ru­ary 2017 Kick Off Dear friends, Before we can kick off the month of Feb­ru­ary 2017, let us first recap on Jan­u­ary and put it into per­spec­tive. Per­son­al­ly, Jan­u­ary was­n’t catastrophic,…

Thinking Backwards is Forward Thinking

Got a high-pri­or­i­­ty project up your sleeve?  Cool, me too.  Think hard at the begin­ning of the project about where you want it to go.  What is the pur­pose of…

My Best Month Series — Part I

Hel­lo, hel­lo! Wel­come to the first part of this 4‑Week Blog Series! For this to work for you, you must pos­sess two things: extreme ambi­tion, in a relaxed, con­fi­dent man­ner and…