Every Day Productivity: Reading Effectively

It’s July 2016 and I have man­aged to read 18 books so far this year; this is a record high for me.  I have always enjoyed read­ing, but could never…

Start Your Morning the Night Before!

Do you find your­self fraz­zled every morn­ing as you’re get­ting ready to head to work, drop the kids off at school or head to school your­self?  You mum­ble, “why me?” You…

Thinking Backwards is Forward Thinking

Got a high-pri­or­i­­ty project up your sleeve?  Cool, me too.  Think hard at the begin­ning of the project about where you want it to go.  What is the pur­pose of…

Are You Being Penalized for your Efficiency?

Is effi­cien­cy pun­ish­able?  Are you being pun­ished for your com­pe­tence, or worse, are you a man­ag­er who scolds oth­ers for their extreme pro­duc­tiv­i­ty? If so, boy have I got a…

Propel Your Career to the Top!

I’ve known this all along; super-exec­u­­tives are super­stars!  I joined the c‑suite as an exec­u­tive assis­tant very ear­ly on in my career.  I spent entire days for years and years…