Why Attitude Matters

Atti­tude is such a pro­found dis­po­si­tion. It is our best friend and our worst ene­my. Some­one wise once said that atti­tude is, “more hon­est and more con­sis­tent than our words.” I…

The Law of the Farm

We live in a world that is gov­erned by nat­ur­al laws, just like gravity–what goes up must come down.  In agri­cul­ture, we can eas­i­ly see and agree that the natural…

February 2017 Kick Off

Feb­ru­ary 2017 Kick Off Dear friends, Before we can kick off the month of Feb­ru­ary 2017, let us first recap on Jan­u­ary and put it into per­spec­tive. Per­son­al­ly, Jan­u­ary was­n’t catastrophic,…

Resolving Unfinished Business

Dear friends, do you have unfin­ished busi­ness you need to deal with, but you won’t? You may be strug­gling with your health, career, or rela­tion­ships. When we allow these to build…

Design Your Life

Good day, amaz­ing and won­der­ful human beings.  I’m so excit­ed about today’s blog post, I could hard­ly wait to share. Here’s a secret, we all want to be hap­py.  We all…