Start Your Morning the Night Before!

Do you find your­self fraz­zled every morn­ing as you’re get­ting ready to head to work, drop the kids off at school or head to school your­self?  You mum­ble, “why me?” You…

Propel Your Career to the Top!

I’ve known this all along; super-exec­u­­tives are super­stars!  I joined the c‑suite as an exec­u­tive assis­tant very ear­ly on in my career.  I spent entire days for years and years…

My Best Month Series — Part I

Hel­lo, hel­lo! Wel­come to the first part of this 4‑Week Blog Series! For this to work for you, you must pos­sess two things: extreme ambi­tion, in a relaxed, con­fi­dent man­ner and…

How to Make April 2016 your Best Month!

Wake up, wake up, it’s the first of the month, get up, get up, it’s the first of the month…”  Okay, so I like a lit­tle gang­ster rap and those…

Turn Your Life Around in 30 Days!

What if you could change one aspect of your life in one month?  I mean, what if you could real­ly revamp this skill or char­ac­ter­is­tic?  Would you do it? Habits Let’s…