Worst-Case Scenario Ritual

I love rit­u­als.  Rit­u­als keep me orga­nized and happy–the two things I cov­et the most.  I am obsessed with order and effi­cien­cy, and in remov­ing clut­ter from my life. Our…

My Best Month Series — Part II

Hel­lo again, brave souls! We’re now on our sec­ond week of our 4‑Week Series.  If you’re just join­ing us, wel­come!  I invite you to have a look at Part I of My…

Feeling Thankful 3

2015 is off to a phe­nom­e­nal start.  I am so over­joyed and full of grat­i­tude.  I’m hum­bled by the small­est acts of kind­ness.  And though I still feel small when…