Escape the 9 to 5 Living the 80/20 Way

Have you ever won­dered how some peo­ple seem to have it all?  They work a lot less than we do and some­how make more and have time for more than…

What If I Did the Opposite?

Dear Read­ers, It is a plea­sure to be in touch with you again.  Thank you for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share. I have been con­tem­plat­ing a seri­ous ques­tion over the past several…

February 2017 Kick Off

Feb­ru­ary 2017 Kick Off Dear friends, Before we can kick off the month of Feb­ru­ary 2017, let us first recap on Jan­u­ary and put it into per­spec­tive. Per­son­al­ly, Jan­u­ary was­n’t catastrophic,…