What If I Did the Opposite?

Dear Read­ers, It is a plea­sure to be in touch with you again.  Thank you for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share. I have been con­tem­plat­ing a seri­ous ques­tion over the past several…

The Simplicity of Consistency

There are sim­ple, but pro­found dis­ci­plines that lead us in the direc­tion of our desires.  These are tiny small steps that over­time “com­pound” and cre­ate a rip­ple that will either…

Every Day Productivity: Reading Effectively

It’s July 2016 and I have man­aged to read 18 books so far this year; this is a record high for me.  I have always enjoyed read­ing, but could never…

My Best Month Series — Part II

Hel­lo again, brave souls! We’re now on our sec­ond week of our 4‑Week Series.  If you’re just join­ing us, wel­come!  I invite you to have a look at Part I of My…