Age is Just a Number: Achieving Your Business Goals at Any Stage of Life

Dis­cov­er how Martha Stewart’s late start in busi­ness demon­strates that age is just a num­ber. Learn the key steps to set­ting and achiev­ing busi­ness goals at any stage of life and how to over­come age-relat­ed stereo­types to pur­sue your entre­pre­neur­ial dreams.

Yes You Can!

Why not me?  Why not you? “The best among us are not more gift­ed than the rest.  They just take lit­tle steps each day as they march towards life.  The days,…

Pour Fuel Into Your Obsessions

You are the Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, the CEO of your life.  Your life is the sin­gle most impor­tant job, career, friend and brand you will ever rock.  Noth­ing will be…

Thinking my Life in Advance

Friends, I’ve been blog­ging on and off for years and have NOTHING to show for it.  It’s like I’m jour­nal­ing for fun yet I’m spend­ing hours brain­storm­ing, research­ing, writ­ing, editing,…