Have the Courage to be Authentic

I read some­where that to be an indi­vid­ual takes great courage. I’ve always been some­what of an unusu­al girl: incon­ve­nient with behav­ior bor­der­ing on the unciv­il. Soci­ety tells us to…

The Uncertainty of Life

There’s always immense fear when we decide to change careers, start a busi­ness or go into unchart­ed sea because we are leav­ing the shore of safe­ty.  We are con­tent with…

February 2017 Kick Off

Feb­ru­ary 2017 Kick Off Dear friends, Before we can kick off the month of Feb­ru­ary 2017, let us first recap on Jan­u­ary and put it into per­spec­tive. Per­son­al­ly, Jan­u­ary was­n’t catastrophic,…