Why Self-Motivation is Important
“Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.” Plato
The one thing I do very well, I must admit is motivate myself, even when I have every right to fret and complain. I often find myself telling true lies. I make up truths about myself to myself that make me sound unbelievably wonderful. I visualize the way I want to be. Back in 2007, I (privately) wrote a short novel with me as the leading character, of course. I now know why I enjoy writing so much; I like playing characters. Someone wise once said, “how we act is how we become.”
I have a deep desire to think.
I have been listening, reading and reviewing different material and out of those findings I’ve paraphrased my own thoughts about self-motivation. You may have heard some of them. The truth is, no one is original. Steve Chandler, author of 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself said something that really stayed with me. He said that progress towards a goal is never going to be a straight line. It’s always going to be curvy. These waves of emotions are in rhythm with progress. Yes, I’ve heard this many times and have experienced more downs than ups in my own journey, but still, I often wonder if other people look at the very same moon and whisper words of negation, fear and doubt.
Before I started writing I reviewed my end-of-month journal entries. One of my weaknesses is that I find a lot of things interesting. I’m like Columbo, very curios. I ask a lot of questions. If you’re anything like me, you know what it is like to feel distracted or leave work unfinished. It’s an awful feeling that truly keeps me up at night.
“Nothing is more fatiguing than the hanging on to an unfinished task.”
I’ve kept a journal of all the things I have accomplished in an attempt to combat this counterproductive habit. I have given myself one month to focus and finish one thing I really want to master before I move on to the next big idea. I am thrilled because I will soon be able to start the next goal I have. And as soon as I publish this post, I will add it to my list of finished tasks as well. Writing is my second favorite thing to do and to be able to keep up with it–as busy as I am, makes me feel quite proud.
How do you motivate yourself to keep going, even when everything (and everyone) around you tells you to move on to something else? I don’t really know what I do exactly, I do many things, actually. I start with the alternative, which is not an option for me. I keep a list of all the people that believe that having the life that you want is an obligation, and a God given right. I surround myself with those people, most of them are in books and have long passed on, but their philosophies will live forever. I keep a list of all my accomplishments, big and small. I keep books and read them daily. I have an awesome library with books I’ve actually read. The first thing I do when I wake up is meditate and pray. I do this for about 5 minutes. I then start listening to audio books as I am getting ready in the morning and in my commute. Five minutes before I arrive at my destination I pause the audio and mediate for another 5 minutes (I meditate several times per day). I think of 15 things I am grateful for and I give those thoughts all of my energy.
Once I get to my destination I have a look at my to do list or guide for the day, which is not as long as it used to be. There are now about 3 things on it. Create a carefully planned out map. Don’t live life like a leaf in the wind. You’re not a leaf. Know where you are going and list the directions you need to take to get there. Don’t drive around in circles. The three things on the top of my short list are the things that have to get done, no matter what. Crossing things off has helped keep me motivated. There’s power in achieving small wins along the way. I do 1–2 things per day towards my “bigger goal,” but I log the small “bricks” as achievements as well.
What are some things you’d like to learn? Take out a sheet of paper and list the 10 things you always wanted to be really good at and list them in order of importance. I would pick different topics to keep life both interesting and productive. For example, I have been using Salesforce lately. I’m okay with it, but I learned that I can become certified. So the goal for July is to schedule the exam for the end of the month and study all month for it. I really only spend about 45mins to an hour per day. That’s one goal I have that will help me in my career. Another goal on my list, don’t laugh, is to learn how to twerk. I’m fascinated with the way ladies make their bums bounce. I’m kidding! Ha ha, I had you going!
I have a list of things I’d like to master for the rest of the year, but I can only do one at a time. “The slower you start something, the faster you will complete it.” Isn’t that interesting? Have you thought about this? It makes a lot of sense. The tortoise and the hare immediately come to mind. It’s like sprinting a marathon, very few can do it. Take breaks along the way and enjoy the journey. I’ve known people who take 5 classes per semester, work full time, end up dropping 3 and getting average grades on the other 2. I’ve been there; I was that girl!
What are you thinking right now? Where are you with your feelings? What’s tugging at your heart? If you were an old lady, sitting in your rocking chair, what would you tell your young self? The truth is, no one knows you better than you know yourself. Have an honest and open discussion with the person in the mirror. Are you living the life that you really want? If you were told you had 5 years to live, how would you spend your time? Commit to using your imagination for good. You are smart and you are beautiful. You are capable and you are amazing. Every human being has the capacity to be a genius.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein
Remember to keep calm and to politely walk away from friends who do not support your goals. “Cynics do not create.” I truly hope that you found my thoughts helpful. Don’t forget to set time aside to think and to share your journey with me. 🙂
“YOLO: You Only Live Once; if you live it right, once is enough.” Plato
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