Resolving Unfinished Business

Dear friends, do you have unfin­ished busi­ness you need to deal with, but you won’t?

You may be strug­gling with your health, career, or rela­tion­ships. When we allow these to build up, they can be overwhelming.

What’s keep­ing you from deal­ing with them? Is it fear?

Fear leads to doubt and doubt leads to a loss of confidence.”

Start with one issue at a time.

First, make a list of all the bag­gage that’s weigh­ing you down.

Sec­ond, pri­or­i­tize this list. As you go through your list ask your­self, ” what’s the most impor­tant issue I must tack­le now?” What will make the biggest impact on your life and your fam­i­ly’s (because your bag­gage is not only yours)?

Being in denial will not solve any­thing, in fact, it will make mat­ters worse.

When was the last time you went for a rou­tine med­ical checkup?

When was the last time you sat down and had a 1:1 with your finances?

When was the last time you real­ly thought about your most impor­tant rela­tion­ships? How about your career? Are you neglect­ing your duties at home? Are you doing the bare min­i­mum at work?

Con­front one issue at a time head on. Get uncom­fort­able now so that you don’t have to toss and turn and stare at your ceil­ing late at night. We’ve all been there. And I can promise you from expe­ri­ence, you can dig your­self out.

If it’s your career decide what it is that you want. The worst place to be is in lim­bo. I don’t know about you, but I do not like wishy-washy thoughts. Either you’ll go back to school or you won’t. But don’t be stuck in a “per­haps or ten­ta­tive” mind­set. Be deci­sive. It’s yes or no. Once you decide either way, you’ll imme­di­ate­ly begin to feel bet­ter. I promise you.

So take a deep breath, roll your sleeves up, say a lit­tle prayer and do one thing about the mon­key on your back today.

You don’t have to solve the whole issue today, just take one step towards it. Look it dead in the eye and let it know it will no longer own you.

Wish­ing you all a fab­u­lous Thursday!

Xoxo — Irís

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