Pour Fuel Into Your Obsessions

You are the Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, the CEO of your life.  Your life is the sin­gle most impor­tant job, career, friend and brand you will ever rock.  Noth­ing will be more impor­tant than your life.  So who are you?  What do you offer?  What is your val­ue-add propo­si­tion?  Be clear on who you are.

Do you appre­ci­ate being able to pro­vide for your fam­i­ly but are ready to move on from your cur­rent job?  Say it.  Work your ass off now, press your foot on the accel­er­a­tor and keep it there, pour fuel into your obses­sions and start work­ing hard on design­ing the life of your dreams while you do what you must do to take care of your fam­i­ly.  Don’t wish for it.  Work for it. 

I am a new mom and I work full-time.  I’m also a brand new real­tor and have become obsessed with all things real estate.  My hus­band and I work on our side-hus­tle (real estate) part-time, so tech­ni­cal­ly togeth­er, we’re at it full-time.  But what I enjoy most is shar­ing tid­bits of my life through blog­ging and my social media plat­forms.  The goal now is to make a liv­ing doing what I love and I’m well on my way.

How do I do it?  Through hard-ass con­sis­tent, rou­tine work.  I aspire to be the Muham­mad Ali of my sec­tor, the Michael Jor­dan of my life.  It is 4:30 am and I’m up writ­ing.  I’ve been up since 4 am when Carter, my 9‑month old son typ­i­cal­ly wakes up.  It takes 20 min­utes to put him back down and then I am pre­sent­ed with two good choic­es: go back to sleep or go down­stairs to my home office and work.

My hus­band, Ter­rance and I share in every­thing we do.  Carter isn’t the great­est sleep­er and reg­u­lar­ly wakes up twice at night.  But we make it work.  It is lights out for me by 9 pm, Ter­rance takes the first baby-shift at 1 am and I take the sec­ond at 4 am. I’m say­ing all of this to say that we make it work and so can you.  What­ev­er your sit­u­a­tion is, you too can make it work.

Rou­tines though mun­dane are mon­ey.  My day begins the night before.  Do I want to be in bed at 9 pm like a senior-cit­i­zen (no offense to seniors!)? No, but I val­ue my health so I do what I have to do to ensure I get the rest I need.

Ter­rance and I have no child-care sup­port.  None, absolute zero.  But we make it work.  I’m not brag­ging about not hav­ing some­one to help us, at all, in fact, it’s been kind of crazy and irre­spon­si­ble.  We real­ized that though it sounds love­ly, we are not giv­ing our son or our work the atten­tion they both deserve.  So we make course cor­rec­tions as we go and are now active­ly look­ing for some­one to spend qual­i­ty time with our son dur­ing the day while we grind (in the next room — hey, we’re new par­ents.  Baby steps!).

Grant Car­done says to become obsessed about who you are and what you do.  He says to work 10x hard­er, to over­promise and overde­liv­er.  So what’s your procla­ma­tion?  What do you want to do with this gift we call life?  What price will you pay to have the body of your dreams?  Will you do what it takes to live life on your own terms?  What’s the alter­na­tive?  Think about it.  You only have one life, why not make it amazing?

Right now, I want you to write down your most ridicu­lous goals.  They should embar­rass you.  Set doubt and fear aside for now and just write.  How did that make you feel?  It can hap­pen.  That life can be yours.  You are the child of God.  You were not meant to be lit­tle.  You were not meant to be ordi­nary.  Some­one along the way made you believe that you could­n’t do some­thing because they fell into that same belief that they could­n’t either.  But I know you can.  There’s a fire in you.  Ignite that fire!  Pour fuel into your obses­sions.  No goal is too big or too great.

It always seems impos­si­ble until it is done.” — Nel­son Mandela

Thank you for allow­ing me to be a small part of your life.  Please sub­scribe, like, share and leave me a com­ment.  Let me know how I’m doing, bet­ter yet, let me know how you’re doing.  Let’s win together!





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