My Top Favorite Business Books

Dear Entre­pre­neur,
I want to share 4 of my favorite busi­ness books with you. If you’re a #solo­pre­neur you might rec­og­nize these.
In our busi­ness, we are mar­keters, sales asso­ciates, web devel­op­ers, con­tent cre­ators, inno­va­tors, accoun­tants, tech sup­port and cus­tomer ser­vice.  We do it all, hope­ful­ly not for long…hopefully you can del­e­gate some of your work so that you can focus on the tasks that only you can do. 
These four books are essen­tial to the growth of your busi­ness and to your own per­son­al development.
They are not list­ed in any par­tic­u­lar order.  In fact, if I was list­ing them in order of impor­tance, Prof­it First would be at the top of the list because it talks about the bot­tom line.  Some of the insights shared will blow your mind.
“Mere sur­vival is not the goal of a busi­ness per­son.” Mike Michalow­icz, Prof­it First 
Even though I enjoy a good fic­tion­al sto­ry every now and then, for the past sev­er­al years, I’ve been focus­ing on books on lead­er­ship, habit for­ma­tion, busi­ness and per­son­al development.
The knowl­edge acquired has gone to very good use. I am grate­ful for the ideas shared and con­sid­er the authors my indi­rect mentors.
I hope this list is of val­ue to you. And I hope 2021 brings forth all the good the world has to offer.  If you have any book sug­ges­tions, be sure to list them in the comments.

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