Listen to Your Heart

Every­one on earth has a trea­sure that awaits him. But we speak of trea­sures only to chil­dren. As we get old­er, we leave “fairy­tales and sil­ly things” behind and let life pro­ceed with its own direc­tion towards its own fate.

Peo­ple learn ear­ly in their lives what is their rea­son for liv­ing, per­haps that is why they give up on it so ear­ly.” The Alchemist

When we don’t fol­low our dreams and set­tle for what life gives we’ll spend the rest of our days know­ing that we didn’t pur­sue our trea­sure. I see it with my par­ents, espe­cial­ly my father; he walks around night after night, and though he doesn’t explain his anx­i­ety, his bro­ken heart does not lie.

When he was a child, that man want­ed to trav­el, too. But he decid­ed first to buy his bak­ery and put some mon­ey aside. When he’s an old man he’s going to spend a month in Africa…

Peo­ple nev­er real­ize that they are capa­ble, at any time in their lives of doing what they dream of. “

What makes you hap­py? If you could have it your way (and you can) what would life be like?

The uni­verse is not cru­el. It wants you to suc­ceed; it wants you to real­ize your rea­son for being. Every per­son on this earth has a trea­sure that awaits him. When you real­ly, tru­ly want some­thing, the world will con­spire to bring the right peo­ple and events for you to real­ize your rea­son for being.   God will test your courage many, many times before your reach your goal. It is at this time that most peo­ple give up.

The dark­est hour before the night came just before dawn.” Paulo Coelho

I believe God does this so that we nev­er for­get the lessons learned along the way.  Per­haps He made the moon so that we could appre­ci­ate the sun.

When you’re in your car or on your way to work, what thoughts cross your mind?  When you’re star­ing at a dark ceil­ing what do you think about?

Lis­ten to your heart.

Have an hon­est con­ver­sa­tion with your heart. It is always speak­ing to you. Some­times it shouts and oth­er times it’s quiet.

Beware of a qui­et heart. It means it’s dying and is close to giv­ing up.  But hearts are stub­born or maybe they’re just hope­ful, and one day in two or maybe twen­ty years it will tug at you and you’ll under­stand why.  It will do so for­ev­er until you real­ize your rea­son for being.

We all have a rea­son for being.  We all have dreams. Dreams are omens or signs.  Pay atten­tion to the signs.  They are God’s way of com­mu­ni­cat­ing with you.

Lis­ten to your heart. Your heart is hap­pi­est when you’re doing some­thing you love.  When you become bet­ter, every­one and every­thing around you becomes bet­ter as well.  The oppo­site is quite the same.  When we become worse than we were yes­ter­day, the whole world is affect­ed and suf­fers with us.

Every­thing in life has been inten­tion­al. God gave us feel­ings. But some feel­ings require more atten­tion. Sad­ly, it’s only when we’re bleed­ing that we seek help.  But our hearts often break.  They some­times suf­fo­cate us.  We’re pen­sive and qui­et and many times don’t know why.  Lis­ten to your heart.  It needs you to be who you were meant to be.  You were nev­er meant to be mediocre.  When you were a child you had dreams and some­one or many along the way con­vinced you that your fate was not in your hands.  Some­one told you to put child ways behind and to grow up.  Some­one made a grave mistake.

Don’t live life with regrets.  Don’t do that to your­self or to the world.  The world is nour­ished by your sad­ness and also by your hap­pi­ness.  But it craves joy.  It desires and hopes for vital­i­ty, for peace for hap­pi­ness.   The world has a heart of its own.  We are all con­nect­ed; we are all one.   And when you cry the world weeps with you.  And when you’re hap­py the sun shines brighter.  Hap­py peo­ple walk with God.

In my own per­son­al, on-going quest I sel­dom am in search of mon­ey, pow­er or fame.  I am look­ing for my trea­sure, which to me is feel­ing like I made a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to the uni­verse.  That is what fuels my soul, the feel­ing of accom­plish­ment.  Some­times when I pray or think of my jour­ney: my blood, sweat and tears I know this is when I’m the clos­est to God and to my trea­sure, which I’ve learned are one.  If I’m qui­et and still enough, I can feel my heart leap and I can feel its teardrops, tears of joy.  That’s the most amaz­ing feel­ing I’ve ever felt, I can’t explain it.  I wish I could.

Fol­low your heart, lis­ten to your dreams and live a life that is extra­or­di­nary.  And if you find peo­ple who will ridicule you for fol­low­ing your path, and they often will, know that, “when you pos­sess great trea­sures with­in you, and try to tell oth­ers of them, sel­dom are believed.”

I hope you have a fab­u­lous, per­fect, love­ly day!

*Please note, most of my ref­er­ences came from the Alchemist, by Paulo Coel­ho.  I strong­ly rec­om­mend you pick up this trea­sure of a sto­ry about a boy and his dream.

To real­ize one’s des­tiny is a per­son­’s only oblig­a­tion.” The Alchemist



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