January Summary and February Plans

The Med­i­na Times is a month­ly recap of what I did and how it mea­sures with what I had planned to do.  Not too long ago I talked about doc­u­ment­ing my grow­ing pains.  And as I men­tioned before, this puts me in a very vul­ner­a­ble posi­tion and sub­ject to criticism.

My highs and lows for the month of January:

High: My son will be 8 months old tomor­row.  He is healthy and super cute! #blessed

Low: He’s not a great sleep­er.  In fact, he is a night­mare.  Most of Jan­u­ary was spent get­ting up 3x per night or every 3 hours.  We changed a cou­ple of things and his sleep did improve, but we are still get­ting up once in the mid­dle of the night.  I put this as a low because that one time per night he is up is about an hour long and right around the time I am final­ly falling asleep.  By the time he goes down I am wide awake and before I know it, it is time to get up and do it all over again.

As I am writ­ing this sen­tence he is upstairs scream­ing bloody mur­der.  We are torn between let­ting him cry it out and run­ning to com­fort him.  We tried the for­mer, but after 13–15 min­utes of screams and tears, and no sign that any­thing is improv­ing, we pick him up show­er him with kiss­es and apolo­gies and he falls asleep in my arms with­in min­utes.  It just does­n’t feel right to let him cry that long.

Any thoughts?  I’d love to hear your take because this strat­e­gy is not sus­tain­able and though I might make it look easy, being a good par­ent is the hard­est job I’ve ever had.

High: I am a new real­tor, work­ing (for now) on high-end leas­ing in the Los Ange­les area, with the goal of con­vert­ing those clients into future buy­ers.  This is my full-time side-hus­tle.  This month my hus­band (“team­work makes the dream work!”) and I leased a $9950 per month exec­u­tive Man­hat­tan Beach home to a pow­er cou­ple.  This was the most expen­sive lease we processed to-date.  She, my client, is a super laid­back high exec in the fash­ion indus­try and he is the CEO of a com­pa­ny that owns sev­er­al house­hold brands.  The high­light of this sale was the peo­ple I met.

The total amount made in my side-hus­tle (real estate): $2047.50.  This is after giv­ing my pimp, (cough) I mean, my bro­ker his half.

Low: I could have done 3x bet­ter with my real estate earn­ings this month.  We only closed on two deals.  Mala mia (my bad).

The high­light of this job real­ly is always the peo­ple I get to meet.  They inspire me tremen­dous­ly.  For exam­ple, I recent­ly worked with a pro­fes­sion­al YouTu­ber in her mid-twen­ties who aver­ages $40k per month.  Forty thou­sand dol­lars per month, my friends.  Talk about a hard pill to swal­low when I look at my sad chan­nel, with its 10 fol­low­ers ver­sus her 2 mil­lion!  There isn’t one hater bone in my body.  I’m inspired!  This whole town moves me to stretch myself in dif­fer­ent areas, I tell you, includ­ing my appearance!

This brings me to my next low.  Deep breaths…

Low: My work­outs this month were ter­ri­ble, just plain awful.  The total num­ber of days I exer­cised this month: 4.  Please don’t judge me; I’ve done enough of that myself.  I just need to get back on track if I am to look like the woman on my vision board.  The right thing to say is be hap­py with your body.  I agree.  How­ev­er, I am not hap­py with my body so I am doing some­thing about it.

High: Wrote two blog posts with­in 24 hours of each oth­er and real­iz­ing that good enough is some­times good enough.

If you’re not embar­rassed by the first ver­sion of your prod­uct, you’ve launched too late.” Reid Hoffman

Low: Real­iz­ing which plat­form (blog­ging) to go all-in-with just 2 days before the end of the month is dis­ap­point­ing.  Had I come to this con­clu­sion ear­ly on, I’d be on blog post #10 for the year.  This is one rea­son I encour­age every­one to take inven­to­ry of how you spend your time.  Are you focus­ing on the right things?  Are you doing what’s impor­tant or are you “major­ing on minor things?”  Set time aside to think and review your goals (goals change all the time) and ensure you’re on track.  Spot any chal­lenges and make course cor­rec­tions right away.  Think of the Titan­ic.  Had the cap­tain and crew made minor changes to its tra­jec­to­ry, so many lives would have been saved.

High: Sim­pli­fy­ing my life and elim­i­nat­ing dis­trac­tions. I deter­mined what I will focus on for the next 4 months (in order of impor­tance): this blog, real estate, and my main job, oh and look­ing like a god­dess.  Must move my nal­gas, work­out a lot more and eat less Veg­gie Grill!

Low: Com­ing to this real­iza­tion 2 days before the end of the month.

Okay, so there you have it, friends, my highs and lows for Jan­u­ary 2019.

A look ahead:

Feb­ru­ary, I’m com­ing for you.”

As always, thank you for allow­ing me to be a small part of your life.  And if you would, please leave me a com­ment, like and share.



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