If You Want True Wealth, You Must Forgive

If You Want True Wealth, You Must Forgive

If You Want True Wealth, You Must Forgive

Resent­ment is restric­tive; for­give­ness is expan­sive. Hold­ing onto past pain only weighs you down, both emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly. To step into true wealth—in every sense of the word—you must let go of the grudges and forgive.

Here’s the truth: for­give­ness is not for them, it’s for you. Start by mak­ing a list of every­one you feel has wronged you—whether it was yes­ter­day or in third grade. And don’t for­get to include your­self on that list.

For­give your par­ents for the choic­es they made when they did­n’t know better.

For­give your­self for the choic­es you made when you didn’t know bet­ter. For­give your­self for being too hard on your­self. Look in the mir­ror and remind your­self: That was then, this is now.

Pay atten­tion to your body. Pain and ten­sion often sig­nal that there’s some­thing unre­solved inside you. God designed us with such care that even phys­i­cal dis­com­fort can serve as a mes­sage: it’s time to release, to heal, to forgive.

When you for­give, you light­en your spir­it and align with the vibra­tion of har­mo­ny, health, and abun­dance. Remem­ber, hold­ing onto anger is like grasp­ing a hot coal, intend­ing to throw it at some­one, but burn­ing your­self instead (Bud­dha).

Steps to Forgiveness

  1. Choose one per­son you need to forgive—whether it’s some­one from your past or even your­self. Write their name down.
  2. Iden­ti­fy three pos­i­tive things you gained from that rela­tion­ship or expe­ri­ence, no mat­ter how small they may seem.
  3. Say out loud: “I for­give you. I wish you hap­pi­ness, peace, and love.” Even if you don’t feel it yet, repeat this daily.
  4. Extend the same wish­es to your­self: “I for­give myself. I wish myself hap­pi­ness, peace, and love.”
  5. Let this become a prac­tice. Over time, you’ll feel your body and spir­it grow lighter. For­give­ness is a process, not a sin­gle moment, but every step you take cre­ates more space for peace and abun­dance in your life.

Remem­ber, for­give­ness doesn’t mean for­get­ting or excusing—it means releas­ing. When you let go of resent­ment, you make room for har­mo­ny, growth, and true wealth.

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