Have the Courage to be Authentic
I read somewhere that to be an individual takes great courage. I’ve always been somewhat of an unusual girl: inconvenient with behavior bordering on the uncivil. Society tells us to be ourselves, so long as you’re the same. Don’t be too unique. People are intolerant and suspicious of people who are different.
It is believed that people fear public speaking more than they fear death. But it’s not public speaking we fear. Most of us are afraid of what others think of us.
As often as you can, take advantage of the ocean’s healing properties. Take your mind off whatever else is going on in your life. Sit silent and alone. Allow yourself to think about whatever you want to think. Don’t direct the mind. Let it be.
Talk to your soul, and it will talk back through your feelings. It may ask who are you and you may not be able to answer because you’ve spent years trying to be someone you’re not. And it’s not like you didn’t see the signs. They were inconveniently there. That false identity felt strange, like an uncomfortable shoe but you went along with it. You’d be at a party surrounded by chatter and a lot of people and would still feel completely and utterly alone. You couldn’t wait to get home to write, to think, to read, but that was strange or different…so you’d put on the dress and dance the night away.
“The crowd is essential for the false self to exist.” — Osho
There’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. Don’t confuse the two, they are diametrically different.
If we should ever be afraid, let us be afraid of losing ourselves. So as often as you can, visit the ocean. Let its presence intimidate and make you feel insignificant. Let it be a humbling experience. Let it both overwhelm and inspire you to think.
“Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.” — Plato
Only you can answer the question, “who am I?”
“There is no need to be afraid. You can lose only that which has to be lost. And it is good to lose it soon because the longer it stays, the stronger it becomes. Don’t die before realizing your authentic being.”
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