Goal-Setting| 2019 Mid-Year Goal Check: Are you on track? A Time to Reflect

Hel­lo, won­der­ful humans! The title of this blog post is “Mid-Year Check-in”.

Guys, it is June 2019 and in 6 very short months, we will be toast­ing the new year with cham­pagne, 2020 over­sized glass­es and a New Year’s Eve blow­er in our mouths!  Or you might be watch­ing it on t.v. like some of us (don’t judge us, we have a one-year-old!).

The point is that time flies and before you know it, you’ll be work­ing on your 2019 goals in Decem­ber.  Right now, today, exam­ine the progress you’ve made.

There’s an old adage that I strong­ly believe in and that’s that “Peo­ple don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.”

So, where are you with your goals?  Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Most of us want to be hap­py and healthy, have finan­cial free­dom, do inspir­ing work and live in har­mo­ny and peace.

Watch this dis­cus­sion on my YouTube channel

Here are some com­mon goals we share:

  • You hate your job but you do it because you need the money.
  • Or you work at a job that you’re con­tent with, but your heart tells you there’s some­thing more for you out there.  Beware of this feel­ing of con­tent­ment.  It’s extreme­ly dangerous.
  • Or you own your own busi­ness but work crazy hours and well, your busi­ness “ain’t fun no more.”
  • You are the bread­win­ner and that’s just the way life is. You’re NOT sup­posed to love your job.

Girl­friend, no!!! You got it all wrong.  No, no, no. This is not the way life has to be. No, you don’t have to do work that you don’t enjoy doing, even if you’re good at it or you’re run­ning your own busi­ness.  Look, if it isn’t fun, don’t do it.  If you don’t enjoy it, stop doing it.  You can start over again.  The idea of doing the same job for the rest of my life sounds like a bore fest.

But, don’t quit just yet; plan for it.  And then, brick by brick, one day at a time, step-by-step, you will get there. Because, dar­ling, if you don’t, you’ll spend your best years help­ing oth­ers live their dreams.

Start now.  Start where you are.  Don’t think about how you will do it, just decide that you will. You don’t have the right back­ground? So what.  You don’t have expe­ri­ence?  You’ll fig­ure it out.  You don’t have the mon­ey?  You will find a way.  The goal is to get start­ed, right now, today, right where you are.

Take the first step in faith.  You don’t have to see the whole stair­case, just take the first step.” Dr. Mar­tin Luther King Jr.

What are some of the goals you’re work­ing on?  Let me know in the com­ments below!  As always, thank you for allow­ing me to be a small part of your life.

P.S.  This is a sto­ry that you might want to share with your per­son­al friends and colleagues.

XO, Irís

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