What Does it Mean To Be Multi-Passionate?

I’ve been writ­ing my entire life, no real­ly, my entire life. I remem­ber writ­ing fic­tion­al sto­ries in high school. I have no idea where they are, hope­ful­ly ful­ly min­er­al­ized some­where (min­er­al­iza­tion: when biodegra­da­tion is complete).

I first start­ed blog­ging in 2007. Over 10 years ago I devel­oped a theme and changed the title of my blog to, “In Per­ma­nent Beta”, after div­ing head first into entre­pre­neur­ship and learn­ing to tell my vis­i­tors that my site was in beta or not ful­ly done, a work in progress.

It then clicked. I real­ized that I live my life this way, in beta…and so I began to joy­ful­ly embrace my life as being in per­ma­nent beta.

Many years ago, a mean old bird (no offense to birds), a job recruiter, told me that I should tone my ambi­tions down…and her words stuck with me. I hate this and resent it because I did tone $hit down and end­ed up a freak­ing assis­tant (no offense to assis­tants; i just could not own it). I knew that if giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, I could do a bet­ter job than the CEOs I supported…I know this is a bold state­ment but it’s true to me.

Because I was­n’t going to be giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty, I left to cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for myself. Sev­er­al years lat­er “ser­i­al entre­pre­neur” start­ed cir­cling. And I lit­er­al­ly cried because I knew that my feelings…those deep thoughts and feel­ings I had to cage in for so long were real. There was such a thing as a ser­i­al entre­pre­neur which basi­cal­ly means some­one who starts new businesses.

Friends, please nev­er sup­press your feel­ings, how­ev­er crazy they may seem to others.

A few years ago, Marie For­leo referred to her­self as “mul­ti-pas­sion­ate” and I cried once again. Here was a badass woman, suc­cess­ful, gor­geous and one of my favorite women out there call­ing her­self mul­ti-pas­sion­ate. I imme­di­ate­ly felt more confident.

Last month, in an attempt to pro­cure work, work­ing for some­one else, that is, while I build my empire, (it is an empire and I am not going to freak­ing down­play it even if it makes you uncom­fort­able) I reached out to a recruiter.

She told me to clean up my LinkedIn and to put only the type of work and expe­ri­ence I was seek­ing.  I was like, “lady, I am cer­ti­fied in this I have expe­ri­ence in that, I have degrees in this and I’m work­ing on that…”, she said to basi­cal­ly tone it down…That employ­ers would be uneasy about hir­ing me. That’s so crazy to me because I’d hire me in a heart beat.

I’m sure she meant well but I ran for the vir­tu­al door! If it does­n’t feel right, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Run, run, run!!!

Last night I got 3 hours of sleep. It was­n’t inten­tion­al. I got up to use the restroom, and could­n’t go back to sleep. So I pulled out my library on audio (Audi­ble) and began look­ing at my over 187 audio books…I stum­bled on one called “Ultra­learn­er” by Scott Young. 

And here I am today again, cry­ing tears of joy. It’s amaz­ing when you find a small click that gets you. So an ultra-learn­er is some­one who does intense learn­ing. An ultra-learn­er is some­one who makes deep effec­tive learn­ing a com­mit­ment and a full-time way of liv­ing. And then they apply these skills so it’s not just in the­o­ry. THIS IS ME.

Please do not call me a Jane of All Trades because I find that $hit offen­sive. A Jane of All Trades is pas­sive­ly learn­ing. I dive in. So if you see me man­ag­ing an e‑commerce store or coach­ing women, or cre­at­ing cours­es and or con­tent for a fee, please know that I am nei­ther lost nor con­fused. This is who I am and I’m full-time about it.

Every­thing I do in life is inten­tion­al. Every.??single.??thing.??I take no pas­sive approach to what I do whether it’s par­ent­ing, being a wife, being veg­an, being a writer or entre­pre­neur­ial, I do it all with my entire heart.

If my sto­ry res­onates with you, please know that there’s a place for you. Don’t down play who you are. Own it and make a sweet liv­ing out of it. I know I am.

Do what you love and you will nev­er work a sin­gle day in your life.”

I told Ter­rance last night that I nev­er want to retire and that I love how Joe Biden is still work­ing. I meant this. I’ll work until the day God calls me home, but if you see me work­ing for a com­pa­ny, that isn’t mine, and where I’m not CEO, please pray for me, know that I am mis­er­able as $hit and that it’s tem­porar­i­ly. Unless I’ve become a politi­cian, in this case, I will be work­ing for the peo­ple and that’s more than okay with me.

I now have a lot more direc­tion and clar­i­ty, I now that I can have it all, I just cant try to get it done all at once.  I must ful­ly fin­ish each task, project or activ­i­ty before mov­ing on to the next and this all comes from years of expe­ri­ence and some failing…This is also why I cre­at­ed The 8‑Week Year Plan­ner  Course.

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