Develop a Morning Ritual

Morn­ing Ritual

Today, I will look for rea­sons to feel good. As I’m feel­ing good, I will give thought to my 8‑week goal. This will feel effort­less and fun because it feels good to feel good.

Awak­en­ing in the morn­ing is not so dif­fer­ent from being reborn. When you first wake up in the morn­ing and before you get out of bed, say,

Today, I will look for the things that are going good in my life.”

Look for rea­sons to imme­di­ate­ly feel good.  Think of one thing you’re grate­ful for. Feel free to go on and on but if all you can think of is one thing, start with that.  It could be as big and impor­tant as being alive or as insignif­i­cant as the qual­i­ty of your mattress.

The goal is to find rea­sons to imme­di­ate­ly feel good.  One good feel­ing will attract anoth­er good feel­ing and then anoth­er. This is the law of attrac­tion.

Tip: Per­form your morn­ing rit­u­al while you make your bed. For more on the many ben­e­fits to mak­ing your bed as soon as you get up, read, “Make Your Bed” by William McRaven.

As the “good-feel­ing” juices are flow­ing, read your vision state­ment aloud, and then describe the way you intend for your day to go.

Exam­ple: “I intend for today to go great.  I intend to have a pro­duc­tive and bliss­ful day.  My only goal today is to feel good.  I feel good when I am mak­ing progress towards my goals.  I intend to take one crit­i­cal action toward my 8‑week goal. I feel good when I exer­cise and take care of my health. I will nour­ish my body with healthy foods and go for a nice walk. Dur­ing my walk, I will look for and find beau­ty along my path. I will take deep breaths and give thanks. Every­thing will feel effortless.

Today, I will do my best and I will keep in mind that God (or the Uni­verse, use what feels good to you) will bring me what I want.”

This is your morn­ing rit­u­al. Make it your own. Let it feel good to you. If you do it con­sis­tent­ly, it will become a habit and a way of life for you, and what a way to live!

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