Design Your Life

DesignYourLifeGood day, amaz­ing and won­der­ful human beings.  I’m so excit­ed about today’s blog post, I could hard­ly wait to share.

Here’s a secret, we all want to be hap­py.  We all want love.  We all want to feel impor­tant.  We all want to live mean­ing­ful lives.

Deep down, we want to be accepted–we want to be liked.  We want to live a life that’s ful­fill­ing. We want to feel good about our­selves, our con­tri­bu­tions and our uniqueness.

We are one of a kind.  You, me, your neighbor–we are all unique. There isn’t any­one out there who is exact­ly like you.  God does not make mis­takes.  You were born good enough.  You are enough.  Period.

God is pre­cise and quite cal­cu­lat­ed.  He wants the very best for you, even if at times we feel for­sak­en.  He gave us broth­ers and sis­ters, neigh­bors and col­leagues so that we could lean on each oth­er, help one another.

I invite you, beau­ti­ful peo­ple, to design a life exact­ly as you want it to be.  The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less, dear friends.   What is it that you want in every area of your life?

Here are some cat­e­gories that are impor­tant for many peo­ple.  Think about the fol­low­ing as it per­tains to your life and write one thing you want to accom­plish in each area:

  1.  God, Reli­gion, Spirituality
  2.  Family
  3.  Career
  4.  Personal
  5.  Financial
  6.  Phil­an­thropy & Giving

Mon­ey is impor­tant because it can buy expe­ri­ences, but fam­i­ly, our health, and most impor­tant feel­ing ful­filled is the surest way to bring hap­pi­ness into our lives.  And isn’t that a uni­ver­sal desire…to be happy?

Start now.  Design a life that will make you feel won­der­ful.  Find hon­est work that you are both excit­ed and eager to get to.  I promise, it exists!  Start with one area at a time. Devel­op rou­tines so that you can free up your poor, over­worked and over­loaded brain.  Focus only on a very few things at a time.

Time is going to pass any­way, why not spend it your way?  You can have it your way. Stick around and I’ll show you how.

As always, thank you for read­ing.  Don’t for­get to sub­scribe, fol­low me on Face­book & Twit­ter, and share with your friends.






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