Have the Courage to be Authentic

I read some­where that to be an indi­vid­ual takes great courage. I’ve always been some­what of an unusu­al girl: incon­ve­nient with behav­ior bor­der­ing on the unciv­il. Soci­ety tells us to…

Pour Fuel Into Your Obsessions

You are the Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, the CEO of your life.  Your life is the sin­gle most impor­tant job, career, friend and brand you will ever rock.  Noth­ing will be…

Why 8‑Week Year Planning is Better — Q&A

What is the 8‑Week Year and how does it work? I bor­rowed the con­cept from Bri­an Moran’s New York Times Best­seller, The 12 Week Year.  When we set goals, most of…