Why Do Women Tear Each Other Down?

It’s Wom­en’s His­to­ry Month and I want to know where is the love? Why as women–why do we tear each oth­er down?  I can think of three dif­fer­ent women sim­i­lar…

The Bandwagon Effect in Business & Life

The sports indus­try is very famil­iar with the “band­wag­on” effect, but this is also high­ly vis­i­ble in every aspect of life.  It’s when some­one comes up with an idea and…

A Matter of Life & Death

Today I worked for a cou­ple of hours and decid­ed to take the rest of the day off.  I have so much on my mind…  I use oth­er peo­ple’s expe­ri­ences,…

Motivational Monday

A Cit­i­zen­ship in a Repub­lic “It is not the crit­ic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stum­bles, or where the doer of deeds could…

Living with Integrity

I recent­ly picked up a book, “Liv­ing with Integri­ty,” by Ronald Greer.  Integri­ty is doing the right thing when we know it’s the right thing to do.  It got me…