Living with Integrity

I recent­ly picked up a book, “Liv­ing with Integri­ty,” by Ronald Greer.  Integri­ty is doing the right thing when we know it’s the right thing to do.  It got me…

I Crossed the Line, Now What?

For the past cou­ple of years, I’ve been on a quest to fig­ure out how the human per­son­al­i­ty works. At the core, I’ve found we are very much the same.…

Feeling Emo 3

  “Every­thing that has a begin­ning has an end­ing.  Make peace with that and all will be well.” Jack Korn­field I’m in con­stant pur­suit of hap­pi­ness, but this does­n’t mean…

Feeling Thankful 3

2015 is off to a phe­nom­e­nal start.  I am so over­joyed and full of grat­i­tude.  I’m hum­bled by the small­est acts of kind­ness.  And though I still feel small when…