2 Things I Do When I Experience a Setback

Life hap­pens to all of us. We have good days and we have bad days. There isn’t one sin­gle per­son in the world who is exempt from this. Every­one faces…

Have the Courage to be Authentic

I read some­where that to be an indi­vid­ual takes great courage. I’ve always been some­what of an unusu­al girl: incon­ve­nient with behav­ior bor­der­ing on the unciv­il. Soci­ety tells us to…

The Law of the Farm

We live in a world that is gov­erned by nat­ur­al laws, just like gravity–what goes up must come down.  In agri­cul­ture, we can eas­i­ly see and agree that the natural…

Thinking Backwards is Forward Thinking

Got a high-pri­or­i­­ty project up your sleeve?  Cool, me too.  Think hard at the begin­ning of the project about where you want it to go.  What is the pur­pose of…