My Best Month Series — Part I

Hel­lo, hel­lo! Wel­come to the first part of this 4‑Week Blog Series! For this to work for you, you must pos­sess two things: extreme ambi­tion, in a relaxed, con­fi­dent man­ner and…

Become a Goal Setter!

Dar­lings, today is the last day of March 2016. You will nev­er get today again. You will nev­er see March 2016 again in your future after today. We are approach­ing the…

Turn Your Life Around in 30 Days!

What if you could change one aspect of your life in one month?  I mean, what if you could real­ly revamp this skill or char­ac­ter­is­tic?  Would you do it? Habits Let’s…

Motivational Monday

A Cit­i­zen­ship in a Repub­lic “It is not the crit­ic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stum­bles, or where the doer of deeds could…

Living with Integrity

I recent­ly picked up a book, “Liv­ing with Integri­ty,” by Ronald Greer.  Integri­ty is doing the right thing when we know it’s the right thing to do.  It got me…