Thinking my Life in Advance

Friends, I’ve been blog­ging on and off for years and have NOTHING to show for it.  It’s like I’m jour­nal­ing for fun yet I’m spend­ing hours brain­storm­ing, research­ing, writ­ing, editing,…

Why Attitude Matters

Atti­tude is such a pro­found dis­po­si­tion. It is our best friend and our worst ene­my. Some­one wise once said that atti­tude is, “more hon­est and more con­sis­tent than our words.” I…

Design Your Life

Good day, amaz­ing and won­der­ful human beings.  I’m so excit­ed about today’s blog post, I could hard­ly wait to share. Here’s a secret, we all want to be hap­py.  We all…

Worst-Case Scenario Ritual

I love rit­u­als.  Rit­u­als keep me orga­nized and happy–the two things I cov­et the most.  I am obsessed with order and effi­cien­cy, and in remov­ing clut­ter from my life. Our…

My Best Month Series — Part II

Hel­lo again, brave souls! We’re now on our sec­ond week of our 4‑Week Series.  If you’re just join­ing us, wel­come!  I invite you to have a look at Part I of My…