Ladies, Increase your Math Literacy

I recent­ly expe­ri­enced some major dis­ap­point­ments.  I was inter­est­ed in a posi­tion that required being excel­lent with num­bers.  I did­n’t get it.  I then applied for a grad­u­ate pro­gram in…

10+ Things I Learned About the GRE

Here’s what I’ve learned from tak­ing the GRE…twice.  It’s not a lot of fun.  We all learn dif­fer­ent­ly.  I wish test mak­ers and school admin­is­tra­tors would real­ize that these types…

I Crossed the Line, Now What?

For the past cou­ple of years, I’ve been on a quest to fig­ure out how the human per­son­al­i­ty works. At the core, I’ve found we are very much the same.…

A Blast from the Past!

This post was writ­ten by me in 2009–This is why jour­nal­ing and writ­ing is so impor­tant.  I have a lot of fun going down mem­o­ry lane.  Some­times I cringe when…

Listen to Your Heart

Every­one on earth has a trea­sure that awaits him. But we speak of trea­sures only to chil­dren. As we get old­er, we leave “fairy­tales and sil­ly things” behind and let…